
By Bhagirath Sindhav Published on: July 28, 2023 Updated on: Achievement
hoducc: a standout contender in the capterra shortlist for call center software-blog-hodusoft-28-jul-2023

HoduCC: A Standout Contender in The Capterra Shortlist for Call Center Software

In today’s rapidly evolving customer service and communication landscape, companies are continually seeking cutting-edge call center software solutions to enhance their customer interactions.

Over the years, HoduCC has emerged as one of the leading call center software solutions providers amongst the most prestigious contenders in the industry. 

Recently, HoduCC has been recognized as an Emerging Favorite in the prestigious 2023 Shortlist for Call Center Software by Capterra.

This recognition solidifies HoduCC’s position as a market leader, empowering businesses with cutting-edge technology to deliver a superior customer experience.

Capterra Shortlist is an independent rating that evaluates user ratings and online search activity to create a list of software market leaders with the most popular solutions.

They identify top products based on a unique combination of user ratings and popularity. They use exclusive data and trustworthy reviews from verified software users to build their shortlists.

Their Data sources generally include approved user reviews, public data sources, and technology vendor data.

The Rise of HoduCC

HoduCC’s achievement of becoming an Emerging Favorite in the 2023 Shortlist for Call Center Software is a testament to its commitment to excellence and continuous innovation. Since its emergence, HoduCC has been dedicated to transforming the way businesses deal with customer interactions.

With a focus on augmenting customer satisfaction, streamlining operations, and enhancing agent productivity, HoduCC has quickly gained popularity among businesses of all sizes and industries.

Key Features and Benefits of HoduCC 

HoduCC’s recognition as an Emerging Favorite in the 2023 Shortlist for Call Center Software is largely attributed to its advanced features and benefits that empower call centers to boom in a highly competitive landscape. Some of the key features and benefits that make HoduCC stand out from others include:

  • Automatic Call Distribution (ACD):

    HoduCC’s advanced ACD system can efficiently route customer interactions to the best call center agents based on their skills and expertise. This ensures superior customer experience, reduces wait times, and increases customer satisfaction.

  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR):

    HoduCC’s IVR system provides self-service options to customers, allowing them to select the type of support they need. IVR increases efficiency and reduces agent workload by automating routine queries and guiding callers through menu options.

  • Predictive Dialer:

    HoduCC empowers call centers with a predictive dialer system to enable proactive customer targeting. This feature improves connection speeds and enables agents to effectively engage with customers.

  • Enhanced Customer Experience:

    HoduCC enables businesses to personalize customer interactions, resolve issues quickly, and provide real-time support, leading to a great improvement in the overall customer experience.

  • Omnichannel Communication:

    For contact centers, HoduCC provides a seamless omnichannel communication experience that enables businesses to engage with customers across multiple channels including voice, email, chat, social media, and more. 


In today’s dynamic, customer-centric environment of call center operations, HoduCC’s recognition as an Emerging Favorite in the 2023 Shortlist for Call Center Software is undoubtedly a great achievement.

It showcases the company’s commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and seamless communication. With a commitment to bringing innovation and improving the customer experience, HoduCC continues to lead the way in providing cutting-edge enterprise call and contact center solutions.

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