Understanding survey response rates

Use our new feature to help you understand response rates per survey.

Rate My Service
ratemyservice release notes


  1. You’ll notice a shiny, new ‘Show response rates’ button on the ‘Reviews, responses and service initiatives’ widget. Click it!
  2. A chart showing response rates will pop up. If you distribute feedback requests via SMS (bulk or interactive), we can accurately track requests and response rates. If you use channels outside of our platform (like email, social media, chat or our website widget), we’re unable to track requests to give an accurate response rate. That’s where this nifty, little feature comes in.
  3. Initially, surveys will be missing from this chart. This is because we’re missing the number of survey requests. Click on ‘Upload feedback requests’ to add your numbers in. Select the request date, the survey sent and add numbers by the channels used. The chart will automatically update.

Factors that can impact response rates

Several factors can influence and impact your response rates.

The golden rule here is to keep your surveys simple.

  • Ask the least number of questions possible. This is where tools like our unstructured text analysis come in handy. One open-ended question can tell you what’s top of mind rather than asking multiple questions.
  • Survey the right customers. Poor data quality may result in sending wrong surveys to your customers.
  • Use the right communication channel. Some customers may prefer to use a web form while others may be happier to use an SMS service.
  • Send the survey at the right time.



Rate My Service
ratemyservice release notes

We help companies to deliver great customer, employee and brand experiences to drive growth.