Customising your rms survey links

Shorten and customise survey links to make them SMS friendly. The links also store customer info that is pre-filled for them in the survey.

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This release allows you to shorten, customise and share survey links through social messaging apps or as QR codes.

Copy the new version of your survey links

All RMS survey links now include a string of random characters at the end of the link:

This eliminates the need for a separate link shortening service. To copy this link, click on share options in the survey builder menu.

You can either copy a testing link or a live link to send to your respondents. You can click on any of the social icons to directly share this link to these apps.

Survey links set up before this update will continue to work as normal.

Create QR codes for different surveys

You can create unique QR codes for your surveys. These can be used at check out points within physical locations that service customers.

Customise survey links

If you’re on an Enterprise plan, you can customise these links. This can help your respondents know what your survey is about and encourage them to respond:

Prefill survey data for respondents

If you already have your respondents’ information (like their phone number), it doesn’t make sense to ask them for it in your survey. The new link feature now generates unique links per customer based on the information you have saved in any distribution list. Clicking on this link will remove any questions if that data already exists in the distribution list.

This feature currently works for SMS requests and expect a release for email requests too. Once your list is ready, continue to the next step where you’ll choose how you’re distributing the survey.

For bulk SMS, you’ll need to use the personalisation tag {survey_link} to ensure your respondents receive unique links. For interactive SMS, you don’t need to do anything as this is automatically handled.

If you’re not using our platform to distribute survey requests, you can download all the customised links to use through your distribution channels.

When you’ve chosen your combination of survey and distribution list, a download icon will appear that will contain all the unique links in a CSV file:



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ratemyservice release notes

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