Water Cooler Talk

Artificial Intelligence: Hype vs. Reality and What it Means for Community Banks

Read the original full report from ICBA here.

Here is a brief summary of the article:

  • AI is any process that allows computers to simulate human intelligence by mimicking learned behavior.
  • Machine learning is a technology that enables AI to create algorithms and learn from data without being explicitly programmed.
  • AI can process large amounts of data and identify non-obvious correlations, leading to more accurate loan underwriting and the ability to reach underserved borrowers.
  • Potential use cases for AI in community banks include using chatbots for customer support, monitoring transactions for suspicious activity, and underwriting loans.
  • AI can reduce operational costs and free up staff resources, allowing banks to focus on direct customer interaction.
  • AI has limitations in providing adequate responses to complex customer inquiries, which could lead to frustration.
  • It is too early to predict the full impact of AI on the banking industry, as it is a relatively new technology.
  • AI is not a replacement for local knowledge and personal relationships, which are key differentiators for community banks.