Introducing Tickets — A New Way to Enhance Customer Experience

We are thrilled to announce a significant update to our Experience Management Platform: Tickets. This powerful addition allows you to handle customer concerns and issues with efficiency and precision.

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Tickets enhances the way you manage disgruntled (or passive) customers and turn their negative experiences into positive ones. Faster issue resolution and efficient customer engagement will help you recover disgruntled customers swiftly and possibly transforming them into loyal, satisfied patrons.

Key Features of Tickets:

1. Seamless Ticket Creation: Every time a customer expresses dissatisfaction, a new ticket is automatically opened, providing a dedicated space to address their concerns. This makes sure no customer concern goes unnoticed.

2. Closing the Loop with Customers: Our ticketing system empowers you to engage with your customers directly. Respond promptly, update them on progress, and resolve issues efficiently, all from within our platform.

3. Prioritization and Tracking: Assign priority levels to tickets, ensuring that the most critical issues receive immediate attention. Keep a watchful eye on the time it takes to close each ticket, helping you manage your customer service resources effectively.

4. Assignment to Team Members: Delegate tickets to different individuals or teams within your organization based on their expertise, ensuring that the right person handles each issue.

5. Visual Insights: In addition to the robust ticket management features, our platform provides various visualizations to help you comprehend the status, priority and aging of tickets. Gain actionable insights from these visuals to further enhance your customer support strategies.

Getting started with tickets:

  1. Enable ticketing by activating the relevant toggle under ‘Alerts’ for your core account under ‘Manage your team’. If you’ve already integrated our platform to your existing ticketing platform, then you’ll want to continue using that platform for ticketing.
  2. Once enabled, tickets will be created for any disgruntled (or passive) customers. You’ll need to make sure you’ve activated alerts for these types of customers under ‘Alerts’.
  3. You’ll find Tickets under ‘Review insights’. By default, all new tickets are created with an ‘Open’ status, a ‘Not Assigned’ priority and are not allocated to any team members.
  4. Clicking on any ticket allows you to modify these and engage in a conversation with your team members to ensure a successful ‘close the loop’ process.

This release represents our ongoing commitment to helping you achieve excellence in customer experience management. We are dedicated to providing you with the tools you need to streamline your support processes and increase customer retention. Please reach out to our support team for any assistance or inquiries regarding this update.



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We help companies to deliver great customer, employee and brand experiences to drive growth.