Customer Experience

Why are WhatsApp surveys more convenient than Google Forms?

Mar 31, 2023

8 mins read

Manisha Khandelwal


Many businesses are now opting for WhatsApp surveys to gather customer feedback instead of using Google Forms. 

Are you also using WhatsApp surveys for your business?

If you are, then I’m sure you must have some good reasons for choosing it over Google Forms. 

WhatsApp surveys are becoming increasingly popular because of their convenience and ease of use.

Here’s why  WhatsApp surveys are better than Google Forms.

What makes WhatsApp surveys more convenient than Google Forms?

Google Forms is one of the free, simple, and easy survey builder platforms. Most of us must have used it once in our lifetime. Many small-scale businesses still use it. 

However, after using it for a while, several businesses found that Google Forms doesn’t allow you to create complex customer feedback surveys. Also, the tool has limited integration, post-feedback analysis, templates, and more.

Let’s understand them in detail –

5 Cons of Google Forms

Here are the top 5 cons of Google Forms that businesses should be aware of:

1. Integrations 

Google Forms integration is limited to G-Suite only.

In other words, you cannot integrate Google Forms with other CRM platforms like HubSpot, Salesforce, etc.  

But, does it really make a difference? 

Does integration really help you while conducting customer feedback surveys? 

Integrating your survey platform with other CRM platforms such as HubSpot, and Salesforce can enable you to set up an instant alert system. For instance, whenever a customer reports a bad experience in your survey, a ticket will be raised, and you will be instantly notified to take immediate action. This quick action can help you prevent negative reviews and maintain your brand’s reputation, allowing you to effectively close the loop.

NPS automated alerts

But, closing the feedback loop is challenging with Google Forms because of this limitation. That’s why many businesses switch to alternative survey platforms that offer a wider range of functionalities. 

2. In-built Templates

Another disadvantage of Google Forms is that they are not as versatile as other survey tools available in the market. 

While Google Forms provides templates for conducting surveys across five domains, including work, event feedback, event registration, and education, and allows users to upload custom templates, it does not offer feedback survey templates such as NPS, CES, Product, onboarding, SSI, and more surveys.

For businesses looking to create a wider variety of surveys, it may be more beneficial to use customer feedback survey tools such as SurveySensum.

It offers multiple survey templates such as NPS, CSI, SSI, and CSAT, as well as advanced reporting, text analytics, a powerful dashboard, seamless integration, and custom branding options.

NPS Template by SurveySensum

Therefore, while Google Forms are suitable for basic survey requirements, businesses with advanced needs may benefit from utilizing other survey tools that offer more progressive features.

3. Design Customization

There are limitations to the extent of customization that can be achieved with branding in Google Forms. The platform does not provide a wide range of options to create interactive surveys, nor does it allow for much customization of the layout. 

That’s why, you need an advanced survey tool that can provide greater flexibility in terms of branding and customization.

For example, SurveySensum offers robust custom branding options, allowing businesses to fully customize the look and feel of their surveys to match their brand identity. 

With SurveySensum, you can add your company logo, choose from a variety of color schemes, and customize the fonts and backgrounds of your surveys to create a seamless brand experience.

Send your CES survey though email

4. Feedback Analysis

So, you sent out a survey to your customers. But how are you going to analyze the feedback you receive?

Well, Google Forms can show you analysis in the form of pie charts and graphs, which is pretty easy to understand. 

But when it comes to open-ended feedback, it just displays the response without analyzing it. And that can be a real problem when you’re dealing with a large number of responses.

To analyze the open-ended feedback or get qualitative insights, you need to do it manually or with Google Sheets. And this takes a lot of time, making it too late to take action on the customers’ issue. 

In such cases, online survey feedback tools that have the ability to effectively gauge and analyze the received feedback comes in handy. 

Not only do they receive feedback in real-time, but they can also analyze all open-ended feedback and gives top customers’ insights enabling you to deliver them the best experience. 

Text and Sentiment analysis by SurveySensum

5. Conditional logic and branching 

Google Forms have albeit basic logic options that are free to use. 

However, if you want advanced conditional logic and branching in your online surveys, explore other survey tools. 

With other online survey tools, you can add multiple options for a single question and immediately display the relevant follow-up questions based on the user’s response. This is possible with conditional logic and branching. 

Therefore, to create a comprehensive survey that includes the latest features, it is advisable to consider other survey tools that allow you to conduct WhatsApp surveys with logic and branching.

Now that you know about the cons of Google Forms in detail, it’s time to explore WhatsApp surveys.


Create your first WhatsApp Survey – Request a Demo


Why are businesses leveraging WhatsApp surveys?

Before we begin, do you know how and why Nissan Indobmobil, Honda Motors, Indosat, and 30+ companies shifted to online WhatsApp surveys

Well, they were facing issues like 

  • Low response rates, 
  • No real-time reports,
  • Delayed analyses, 
  • Liability to create attractive surveys, and more.

And these issues were resolved by WhatsApp surveys.

Not only it boosted to response rate by 35%

It enabled businesses to 

  • Gather real-time feedback
  • At better survey costs
  • With real-time analysis
  • And higher customer resolution rates

Why? – Because your customers are already on WhatsApp, and they love the ease of reaching out to you!

Let’s discuss each of these in detail.

What makes WhatsApp surveys better than Google Forms and every business’ favorite? 

Here are the reasons and key features of WhatsApp surveys that most businesses are leveraging. 

1. Easily accessible

Your customers can access your WhatsApp surveys on any device, be it mobile, tablet, laptop, or computer, with an active phone number, an internet connection, and a WhatsApp account. 

2. Cheaper in cost

You can save 50% of your survey cost by implementing WhatsApp surveys with SurveySensum, making it a cheaper alternative.

3. Higher response rate

WhatsApp surveys have a high response rate as they are easily accessible, convenient, and allow customers to provide real-time feedback. This can provide valuable insights to businesses and help improve their products or services.

4. Less time-consuming

You don’t have to send the surveys one by one to all customers. With WhatsApp, in one click, you can send surveys in bulk on multiple platforms, irrespective of where your customers are geographically present. 

5. Gather real-time insights

You can get real-time feedback from your customers via WhatsApp. This gives you an alert of any detractor, enabling you to reach out to them in time and resolve their issue.

6. Send surveys in multiple languages

WhatsApp offers support for multiple languages, with the app supporting up to 60 different languages, improving understanding and participation.

Tip: Create surveys in your customers’ language so that they can understand your survey better.  

7. User-friendly interface 

WhatsApp’s interface is so easy to use and navigate that it can be used by anyone from children to senior citizens. Also, physically challenged people can now easily use WhatsApp.  

8. Can be used to give quick or 24×7 support

Many customers prefer to get their issues resolved without waiting for so long. That’s why many companies are using WhatsApp chatbots as a way to offer quick support

9. The data is secure and safe

WhatsApp terms and conditions are so powerful that its chats are in encrypted form. Thus your customer’s data is entirely safe

These are the key points that make WhatsApp surveys better than Google Forms. 

So, you must begin implementing these and leverage customer feedback to ace your business. 

Also, consider these 6 factors before sending WhatsApp surveys

In a nutshell, 

A lot is said on WhatsApp surveys and Google Forms. 

Now it’s your time to take action to choose the best survey tool to conduct customer feedback surveys as per your business requirements. 

And if you want to experience the convenience of sending WhatsApp surveys and getting valuable insights – Try SurveySensum. 


  • Offers a variety of survey templates and integrations to choose from, making it easy to customize your surveys to your specific needs. 
  • Captures real-time feedback from your respondents, which is instantly analyzed and displayed on the SurveySensum dashboard.
  • Deliver great customer experiences by quickly closing the feedback loop in time.  

There are many more benefits that you can take advantage of, just like how WhatsApp surveys helped Nissan Indomobil boosts its response rate by 35%. 


Manisha Khandelwal

Senior Content Marketer at SurveySensum

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