How to Maximise Engagement on Your Next Product Launch with Facebook Messenger

Verint Team December 21, 2021

What is the goal of any product launch? To make sure as many potential customers know about it as possible. It’s never quite that simple though; there are always improvements that can be made to achieve the perfect balance of excellent ROI, low cost-per-lead and high sign up rate.

In a lot of digital marketing, brands are stuck trying to find and target the ideal leads until they can get an email address, phone number, or any form of contact details. There are numerous avenues that marketers explore when trying to maximize exposure for any new product launch, including Facebook’s advertising infrastructure. What many may not realize is the power that combining Facebook’s adverts with Messenger provides when it comes to customer acquisition and retention.  Facebook Messenger offers the perfect channel that ensures the first instance of engagement gives brands direct access to a lead or existing customer across the entire lifecycle.

3 Reasons to use Facebook Messenger for Launching Products

1. Click-to-Messenger ads give a 2.4x lift in acquisitions

Click-to-Messenger (CTM) adverts innovate beyond what was once possible with Facebook’s platform. In terms of ROI on paid channels, Facebook adverts work better for the majority of companies rather than Google PPC or Instagram.

They enable a 1-1 personal conversation using an automated bot and sending a lead straight to Messenger. Once a lead has clicked but not necessarily signed up, rather than having to retarget using your pixel, you can simply send a follow-up message to re-engage.

For UK savings startup Plum, CTM ads gave them a 2.4X lift in registrations, and as a customer acquisition channel, adverts that send leads to an automated bot are more efficient when handling sign-ups. Carplanner not only decreased their lead-handling time by 38%, their bot also had a 98% positive rating from new customers.

A product launch with CTM ads utilizes a platform that generates more leads, for less money and with increased efficiency than other paid channels. Its efficiency may actually be the most powerful aspect. With automated flows set up for a seamless signup process, the rate of lead drop-off in the funnel decreases dramatically – potential customers contacted within an hour of a query are 7x more likely to become a qualified lead.

2. Re-engagement over Messenger can boost profits by up to 95%

Capitalizing on the power of Facebook Messenger for a product launch doesn’t need to be confined to acquiring new customers, it’s equally impressive when engaging current ones. Using tools like Notify turn Messenger into a two-way performance marketing channel, using past preferences and intents to provide personalized re-engagement. When launching a new smartphone, Samsung used Facebook’s platform to boost upgrades by 15%.

The key to this strategy is brands already have an engaged and loyal audience. Existing customers are up to 70% more likely to buy from you again and increasing customer retention by 5% can offer increased profits of up to 95%. 75% of consumers favor companies that offer special rewards, and with the insights that our platform offers into a customer’s preferences, proactive engagement over messaging is an amazing way to retain loyal customers.

3. Messaging channel engagement is more than 3X higher than email 

Private messaging channels are how most people to communicate with friends and family, which means they’re tuned in and more engaged to them than other traditional outreach channels like email. It means they get engagement rates that email marketers can only dream of – while emails average around 14% open rates, messaging notifications are nearly 50%.

Beyond the low-cost efficient acquisition, a customer/brand relationship that begins in Messenger stays there for the entire lifecycle. No matter if the customer is interacting with a bot, customer service rep or proactive push-message, the entire conversation is visible to your whole organization.

It’s time for marketers to recalibrate how they view Facebook as a promotional channel. A single digital relationship over messaging channels offers a stronger, more personalized 1:1 connection between a brand and consumer, through automation and bespoke proactive engagement. Whether that’s acquiring new customers or re-engaging current ones, product launches that lean into the power of Facebook Messenger offer the chance to begin or maintain loyal customer relationships in a more efficient and cost-effective way than other paid advertising channels.