Sat.Feb 01, 2020 - Fri.Feb 07, 2020

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Call Center Metrics Best Practices


Obtaining useful metrics on daily operations in your call center can help to improve many aspects of your business. However, there is quite a bit more to making effective use of call center metrics than merely amassing data and generating reports. When properly harnessed, call center metrics open the door to precise monitoring of growth over time. They can be used to design a powerful development plan for your team members, denote areas of daily operations in which you are losing money, and more

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Know when to ask for help with the 15 Minute Rule

Intercom, Inc.

An inevitable fact of life is that no matter what team you work on, you’re guaranteed to run into problems you get stuck on. Whether you’re a customer support representative or a product engineer, you will encounter issues and problems that you just don’t have the answer to. In these situations, you essentially have two options: You can try to persevere with the problem until you find a solution.


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Framing Effects – Discover This Powerful Marketing Technique To Gain Growth

Beyond Philosophy

How you present information often influences your audience to perceive it differently. In marketing, sometimes how you present the facts takes advantage of the information in a way that shouldn’t matter when you think about it rationally. Nonetheless, it does, and done right can yield positive customer-driven growth. We discussed Framing Effects in a recent podcast.

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Top Ten Bad Customer Service Stories for 2019

Shaun Belding

The Top Ten Bad Customer Service Stories of 2019 Last week we published the Top 10 Best Customer Service Stories of 2019. This week, we flip the coin over and take a look at the ugly side – the Top 10 bad customer service stories of 2019. About our Top 10 Customer Service Stories lists […].

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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Call Center Metrics Best Practices


Use these metrics to design a powerful development plan for your contact center agents, find areas of operations in which you are losing money, and more.

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Building an API for powerful customer data analysis

Intercom, Inc.

Today we’re delighted to launch our brand new API version 2.0 , which makes it easier for our customers to pull, analyze, and update Intercom contact and conversation data. This will more easily allow our customers to transform their data into valuable performance reports and business insights. It consists of an overhauled Conversations API, as well as brand new Contacts and Data Attributes APIs.

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Discover This Powerful Marketing Technique to Gain Growth

Beyond Philosophy

Discover This Powerful Marketing Technique to Gain Growth. How you present information has a significant effect on how your customers perceive the message. It’s no secret; it’s why there are marketing departments. However, what is fascinating is that when we present information, we can take advantage of things that shouldn’t matter when you think about them rationally, but that do matter quite a bit when it comes to customer-driven growth.

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You’re Measuring CX…But What Are You Doing About It?

Taylor Reach Group

By Peg Ayers. Measuring Customer Experience is important, right? We need to know how customers feel about their interactions with us. We can’t improve what we don’t measure. But what are we doing with the data we gather? And is gathering, analyzing and reporting on that data truly improving the customer experience? I regularly receive surveys from our regional healthcare provider, owner of all local hospitals and many medical offices.

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The “Why” Behind CX Pros’ Failure to Prove Business Results

Heart of the Customer

A while back, I posted here on Forrester’s prediction that 1 in 4 CX pros will lose their jobs this year. When CustomerThink reposted my thoughts on this, it generated a great conversation, with Sampson Lee, Shep Hyken, Lynn Hunsaker, Harley Manning, Bob Thompson, and others weighing in in the comments section. One issue that came up repeatedly up was why?

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5 Customer Service Tips That Will Help You Retain More Customers


Guest Author: Scott Miraglia, CEO, Elevation Marketing. Customer service isn’t just a buzzword. When done right, it works to attract, retain, and convert more customers. 90% of Americans view customer service as a signal to determine if they should do business with a company. Additionally, nearly half of Americans switch to a new company after having a poor experience with a vendor.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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Do You Have Negative Cues That You Are Not Aware Of

The DiJulius Group

1. Customer Service Feature Story Do You Have Negative Cues That You Are Not Aware Of? By Jess Pischel There is always an opportunity for improvement. Identifying the negative cues in the office, store, or business location and correcting them to become more positive will enhance the environment that the employees and customers experience. A. Read Full Article.

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The Top Customer Success Factors to Help You Create an Enterprise-Wide Strategy


The rise of the recurring revenue business model has placed the customer in control of their business partnerships. Customer value is now achieved over repeated cycles of renewal, and the customer can walk away whenever they see fit. Now more than ever, SaaS organizations have to work hard to help their customers succeed and keep them satisfied. By paying attention to a few key customer success factors designed to help you thrive in today’s digital conditions, you can shape your entire enterpris

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I got great service from CenturyLink – eventually! 

Heart of the Customer

The improbable happened. I got great service from CenturyLink. Less improbable was the Kansas City Chiefs come from behind win in Super Bowl LIV. It was the third time is as many games they came from behind to win. On any given weekend during football season, any NFL team can rise up and beat all odds to get a win. That is what happened on a recent Saturday with CenturyLink.

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The Top Customer Service SMS Do’s and Don’ts


It’s no secret that next-gen consumers like to text with friends and even family rather than phone them. At Fonolo, we’ve been wary of reading too much into channel preference data and cohort studies , but there is no denying that SMS is becoming a more significant part of customer service interactions. In fact, by 2020, around 50 million consumers will opt-in to receive business SMS.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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2020 Contact Center Investment Priorities

DMG Consulting

2020 Contact Center Investment Priorities. DMG’s annual survey of contact center investment priorities for the year has confirmed the anecdotal data we’ve been hearing from companies. 2020 is looking to be an outstanding year for contact center investments. As it’s difficult to get enterprise executives and managers to participate in any kind of a survey, this year we decided to ask only 3 questions.

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Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude by Jeffrey Gitomer (a One Win Book Review)

Customers That Stick

In this One Win Book Review, we take a look at Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude by Jeffrey Gitomer. Check out the video below to hear Adam’s one win that you can take away from Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude to improve your organization’s customer experience and customer service. About Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude. FROM THE PUBLISHER: Every business winner has one thing in common: a YES!

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Customer Experience is More Than Transactional: Is Your Marketing Value Longitudinal?


Customer Experience is More Than Transactional: Is Your Marketing Value Longitudinal? Lynn Hunsaker. Customer experience is not limited to an interaction. Cumulative perceptions, interactions, circumstances and judgments add up over time to form “customer experience” for each of our prospects, customers, partners, suppliers, and stakeholders. This means customer experience is longitudinal, i.e. developed across a long period of time.

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Salesforce Buys Evergage But Not For CDP

Customer Experience Matrix

The CDP Institute published its semi-annual Industry Update report today, which you download here for free. Although every word and image in the report is a jewel, there’s no question that the main story in this edition is CDP industry consolidation. Events in the past six months (stretching a bit to include early January 2020) include seven new funding rounds, three acquisitions of CDP vendors, four acquisitions by CDP vendors, and four asset sales by CDP companies.

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Reimagine Your Communications With A Unified Platform

Cut complexity and boost efficiency while empowering your customers with Nextiva's unified communications platform. Nextiva streamlines workflows and centralizes customer interactions, all while simplifying business collaboration, increasing productivity, and reducing employee burnout.

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5 Best Practices to Encourage Customer-Centric Growth


A customer-oriented approach to business is fast becoming a necessary ingredient for success in today’s customer-centric economy. The idea is simple: look after your customers, and your customers will look after you. This represents a shift from bygone eras when growth strategies were more sales-focused. What makes customer-centric growth so valuable for modern enterprises—and how can you create an effective strategy to promote it?

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What Does Customer Service Teach You?

Customers That Stick

What Does Customer Service Teach You? Are there lessons from customer service that apply to other areas of life? . In the end, customer service is one of the best business disciplines for learning skills and strategies that apply to wider life because customer service is about interacting with and helping people. Customer service can teach you situational awareness, responsiveness, and a host of other useful skills.

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Lead Customer Service Morale: Overcome These Obstacles | #LeadMorale #CustServ

Kate Nasser

Overcome these obstacles to lead customer service morale. From customer experience maven Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™, author of Leading Morale | Leadership, Employee Engagement, Teamwork. The post Lead Customer Service Morale: Overcome These Obstacles | #LeadMorale #CustServ appeared first on

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Growth Through Customer Experience Momentum


Growth Through Customer Experience Momentum Lynn Hunsaker. Customer experience momentum foreshadows growth. You can see evidence of this in Forrester’s analysis 1 , where they found that stock price for customer experience (CX) leaders grew 34%, in comparison to 5% for CX laggards and 20% for the S&P 500 during the same time period. As customers are the source of budgets, salaries and dividends, their predisposition toward your brand is a precursor to progress in profits and top-line proceed

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Strategic CX: A Deep Dive into Voice of the Customer Insights for Clarity

Speaker: Nicholas Zeisler, CX Strategist & Fractional CXO

The first step in a successful Customer Experience endeavor (or for that matter, any business proposition) is to find out what’s wrong. If you can’t identify it, you can’t fix it! 💡 That’s where the Voice of the Customer (VoC) comes in. Today, far too many brands do VoC simply because that’s what they think they’re supposed to do; that’s what all their competitors do.

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The Top Customer Success Factors to Help You Create an Enterprise-Wide Strategy


The rise of the recurring revenue business model has placed the customer in control of their business partnerships. Customer value is now achieved over repeated cycles of renewal, and the customer can walk away whenever they see fit. Now more than ever, SaaS organizations have to work hard to help their customers succeed and keep them satisfied. By paying attention to a few key customer success factors designed to help you thrive in today’s digital conditions, you can shape your entire enterpris

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Is Your Baseline Customer Experience Best In Class?

Customers That Stick

Sometimes in keynotes or training , depending on the audience and how I’ve customized the presentation, I will deliver the following line: everything is important, everything is not equally important. Often, I’m discussing experience design and execution. What touch points matter, what action steps from a journey map should be prioritized, or — simply — what experiential elements should be invested in.

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Paying Attention to Customer Details

Chip Bell

It was an experience I will always remember. I checked into the Oakland Waterfront Hotel in Oakland, CA. The front desk clerk had a special gleam in her eye when I presented my credit card. “We are so glad to have you,” she said, with a strong emphasis on the “so.” I must admit I was a bit suspicious as I walked from the lobby to my room. The double doors of the guest room gave me a clue there was something special on the other side.

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Getting Started with Customer Service Automation


If your company has been watching the rise of AI usage in day-to-day customer service, you might be looking to add the technology to your support suite. Customer service automation can play an important role in your growing company’s support offerings. When carefully optimized, these tools can save time and money, streamline workflow, and still meet customer expectations.

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Software Composition Analysis: The New Armor for Your Cybersecurity

Speaker: Blackberry, OSS Consultants, & Revenera

Software is complex, which makes threats to the software supply chain more real every day. 64% of organizations have been impacted by a software supply chain attack and 60% of data breaches are due to unpatched software vulnerabilities. In the U.S. alone, cyber losses totaled $10.3 billion in 2022. All of these stats beg the question, “Do you know what’s in your software?

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5 Best Practices to Encourage Customer-Centric Growth


A customer-oriented approach to business is fast becoming a necessary ingredient for success in today’s customer-centric economy. The idea is simple: look after your customers, and your customers will look after you. This represents a shift from bygone eras when growth strategies were more sales-focused. What makes customer-centric growth so valuable for modern enterprises—and how can you create an effective strategy to promote it?

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The Impact of Corporate Culture on Customer Support Operations


All companies strive towards having a strong corporate culture. People make a business what it is, so keeping them happy, motivated, and positive has an impact on operations that is difficult to measure and describe. A great culture fuels a level of growth and productivity that all businesses want to achieve. When it comes to customer support, a corporate culture can have a wide array of impacts.

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Discover This Powerful Marketing Technique to Gain Growth

Beyond Philosophy

Discover This Powerful Marketing Technique to Gain Growth. How you present information has a significant effect on how your customers perceive the message. It’s no secret; it’s why there are marketing departments. However, what is fascinating is that when we present information, we can take advantage of things that shouldn’t matter when you think about them rationally, but that do matter quite a bit when it comes to customer-driven growth.

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How to Customize Start Chat and Leave a Message Forms

Provide Support

What do Provide Support customers like most of all about our live chat product? With a great set of features Provide Support live chat window can be customized to match any website look and feel and allows collecting various information about customers through pre-chat survey and leave a message form. For many business owners it is important to collect information about customers and analyze it before and after the chat conversation.

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How Retailers Are Transforming Customer Experiences with Data & AI

Speaker: David Azoulay, Marc Stracuzza, Román Tejada, and Guest Speaker Sucharita Kodali

Imagine a retail landscape where every interaction is personalized, every decision informed, and every opportunity maximized 🤔✨ Join us for an exploratory journey into the heart of AI-driven retail innovation. We’ll unveil the transformative potential of AI and data analytics in shaping the future of omnichannel personalization and e-commerce.