
Customer Experience Myths Guidebook

A CX myth is something widely believed or implemented that is based on “how we’ve always done it” thinking, rather than delivering truly innovative customer experiences. What CX myths are holding organizations back from top-level customer experience performance? What can companies do to find solid ground and move forward successfully? In this guidebook, we answer those questions and more as we explore three key myths and two strategies that you can use to replace them.

What Does it REALLY Mean to Put CX First?

Customer experience was once considered a soft metric, or a “nice to have.” But it is now a board-level priority for many brands. The experience you provide your customers is a defining way to differentiate your business from the competition. But how can you really make CX a priority when you have competing budget and resource constraints? With customer experience automation, organizations can leverage AI and automation to make it faster and cheaper to provide a superior customer experience acro

3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

The Verint Experience Index: Retail

Reports of the death of in-store shopping have been greatly exaggerated. This year’s retail survey found that more than 60 percent of consumers start and end their journey by visiting a store. Retail customers value price above everything, but the importance of other factors varies for different brands. In-store shopping is valued highly by grocery and home improvement customers Technology retail customers place less importance on in-store experiences – for them it only ranks sixth Digital exper

The Open CCaaS Advantage Report

Over the next 12 months, what do you think will have the biggest impact on your CX automation efforts? When asked the same question, only 10% of CX leaders surveyed by Verint chose telephony. It’s no longer the engagement channel leading CCaaS conversations. The customer engagement challenges facing organizations have changed – so a new approach is needed.

New 2023 State of CX Survey Uncovers Work From Home Misalignment

JUST RELEASED! The Northridge Group’s State of CX 2023 Part II research report reveals that nearly 50% of consumers surveyed had knowingly spoken to a customer service associate working from home—and almost 75% of those respondents felt the associate's location did not impact the service or experience. So why do more than ⅓ of business leaders want contact center associates back in the office?

NEW! 2023 State of CX Research Report Just Released!

JUST RELEASED! NEW! Part II of The Northridge Group’s State of CX 2023 report reveals 93% of business leaders surveyed believe their companies make it easy for customers to resolve issues. Only 66% of customers agree. Check out The Northridge Group’s latest CX research report—the 7th annual CX survey of 1,000 customers and 250 business executives—to see additional statistics as well as insights that businesses can use to benchmark their customer service and improve the overall experience!

The Complete Guide to Conversational AI for Your Business

In this eBook, you’ll learn how companies are using advanced conversational AI solutions, like Verint Intelligent Virtual Assistant, to deliver actionable service and assist their contact center agents in both voice and digital channels. You’ll also see how our easy-to-use, low-code bot-building environment makes for quicker and more flexible conversational AI deployments that deliver an immediate ROI.

How to Boost Client Engagement by 45% With a Purpose-Built Customer Onboarding Solution

Quentelle delivers verification of employment, tax credits, and unemployment cost management solutions, leveraging advanced platform technology. Its data-driven solutions—powered by best-in-class providers—and proven IT security services save time and money and empower companies to streamline internal operations and make better decisions. Quentelle’s rapid growth called for a customer onboarding solution that could deliver a more seamless and automated follow-up process to help onboard new clien

The Ultimate Client Onboarding Guide for Beginners

Many companies are creating a focus on client onboarding. Why? Because it has a significant impact on your business. But if you’re here, you probably already know that. When companies focus on the client onboarding process (and invest in the automation side with client onboarding software), they can see these results: 4X increase in client onboarding specialist/project manager capacity 49% average decrease in onboarding project time 86% fewer meetings 90% on-time delivery rate Download the ultim

10 Reasons to Stop Using Project Management Software to Run Client Implementations

You wouldn’t use a hammer when you need a screwdriver, and you shouldn’t use standard project management software to manage your new client implementations. Sure, your teams might get by with standard PM tools, but imagine how much more efficient and effective they could be with a purpose-built tool designed specifically for the new client implementation and onboarding process.

The Customer Success Onboarding Playbook

Customer onboarding is a very crucial – yet sometimes overlooked – step in the customer journey. A successful customer onboarding process improves efficiency, increases capacity and decreases churn. This playbook features tips from industry leaders and outlines all the steps needed to create a best-in-class onboarding experience.

The 2023 Customer Experience Management Value Index

Verint is named an Exemplary Leader in the 2023 Customer Experience Management Value Index by Ventana Research. In the complex ecosystem of CX tools developed for disparate use cases, metrics, and processes, Verint ranked as Exemplary through thorough analysis of product and customer experience in the Index. Building a successful CX program requires teams to share data seamlessly across multiple functions, including support services, contact center, marketing, and sales.

The State of Customer Experience 2023 Research Report

JUST RELEASED! The Northridge Group’s State of Customer Experience 2023 research report reveals a surge in preference for online agent chat versus the phone amongst 18–35-year-olds—the first time online chat has eclipsed phone! At the same time, customer patience is dropping, with 35% of respondents willing to wait only a few minutes before re-contacting a company.

Powering Personalization Through Customer Data

Simply having customer information can no longer be enough. You need data that can provide a deep dive into your customer base in order to create personalized marketing that hits home. When you choose the right CDP to fit your organization’s needs, you give yourself the power to take full advantage of your customer data. Marketing today includes increasing layers of complexity, and competition for consumer attention can also be fierce.

How Mature Are Your Digital Experiences? A Step-by-Step Guide to Improved CX

Getting your customer experience (CX) right drives business success. Not only does a better CX improve customer satisfaction, increase retention, and create more engagement, it also drives key business results, including lower operational costs and higher profits. As digital channels dominate customer interactions, experiences are critical to get right.

Customer Preferences: How Community Can Deliver a Simplified Experience

Vanilla Forums

Updating and upgrading how you meet customer expectations should be a top priority for any company, and though it might sound like a weighty task, there is an uncomplicated solution: Community. Though we see this as an obvious connector, we realize that not everyone will. So, we have researched what customers truly want in a customer experience, and how community can serve that.

A Strategic Guide to Community Gamification

Vanilla Forums

In Customer Success terms, an engaged customer is one that is immersed in your product. Ideally, they find value and success daily and help other customers to do the same. But how do you encourage engagement? Gamification is a proven solution that can strengthen relationships and loyalty between your Customer Success team and customers. Our eBook explains how, with topics like: What is gamification?

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