February, 2024

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25 tips for selecting the best customer experience solution


Improving CX is a top priority, so it’s not a surprise that there are a plethora of solutions available. Read this blog to learn why CX is important and what to look for when selecting a CX solution.

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Leadership lessons from the winner of the 2023 CX Leader of the Year – Interview with Roxie Strohmenger of UKG

Adrian Swinscoe

Today’s interview is with the winner of the MyCustomer 2023 CX Leader of the Year competition: Roxie Strohmenger, GSO – VP, CX Strategy at UKG (Ultimate […] The post Leadership lessons from the winner of the 2023 CX Leader of the Year – Interview with Roxie Strohmenger of UKG first appeared on Adrian Swinscoe.

CX 162

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Zendesk completes acquisition of Klaus


Zendesk today announced it completed its acquisition of Klaus, the industry leading AI-powered quality management platform. The acquisition of Klaus is the latest addition to the company’s existing WEM solutions which includes Tymeshift, a modern workforce management tool built exclusively for Zendesk. “Workforce engagement management is key to not only meeting, but exceeding customer expectations.

AI 144
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Transforming E-Commerce with Data: From Insights to Action for Superior Customer Journeys

Customer Think

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, understanding your customers is key to success. Meeting customer needs is critical in today’s competitive e-commerce landscape. Digital platforms have raised consumer expectations by offering a wide range of products and services. Customer-centricity is more than a trend; it is a strategic approach that sets companies apart.

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How Harry Rosen Turns Targeted Personalization Data into Retail Loyalty

Speaker: Shaunna Bruton and Kailey Holmes

Unlock the potential of customer data to create personalized retail experiences that resonate with your audience. This webinar will explore the critical role of customer data in modern retail, providing you with strategies to collect, analyze, and apply data to enhance personalization. Learn from leading retailers, like Harry Rosen, and experts on how to turn data into actionable insights that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Gross Retention vs. Net Retention: What’s the Difference?


To make it to the Super Bowl, a football team must have two things: a strong defense and a strategic offense. The defense maintains a good field position and prevents the opposing team from scoring points, while the offense orchestrates smart plays to gain additional yards and score points. Similarly, to be successful, an enterprise needs to be able to prevent churn and increase revenue growth.

Outlook 110
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Uncovering the Psychological Tactics That Drive Customer Purchases


Uncovering the Psychological Tactics That Drive Customer Purchases If you prefer to watch a summary of this article, check out the video: Uncovering the Psychological Tactics That Drive Customer Purchases I see and hear many CX professionals with great intentions when it comes to improving touchpoints in the customer journey and the customers’ lives with their brands.

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15 Customer experience predictions for 2024

Adrian Swinscoe

For the last five years, around this time, I’ve compiled a set of customer experience-related predictions for the coming year. For each article, I gather together […] The post 15 Customer experience predictions for 2024 first appeared on Adrian Swinscoe.

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Embracing Human Error: Turning Mistakes Into Meaningful Customer Experiences

Doing CX Right

Learn how to turn every customer experience mistake into a strategic opportunity that strengthens brand loyalty and human connections. The post Embracing Human Error: Turning Mistakes Into Meaningful Customer Experiences appeared first on Doing CX Right.

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Three Cold Email Templates that Generate Meetings, Not Spam Complaints

Customer Think

We’ve all had that neighbor. They’re the one you avoid when taking out the trash or collecting the mail because if you don’t, you’re in for it: the dreaded half-hour update on their prize-winning Schnauzer, a deep dive into their latest hobby, or the most recent gossip on their entire extended family.

Sales 116
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First 60 Days in the C-suite: How to Set Yourself Up for Success


The elusive C-suite is a powerful and exciting place to be. It’s a difficult level to reach and perhaps even more difficult to remain at – especially in the role of a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). According to research by SpencerStuart , CMOs have the highest turnover rate in the C-suite, remaining in the role for only 3.3 years on average. Counteracting this stigma and laying the foundation for a successful and long-lasting tenure as CMO starts with the first 60 days.

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Secure SaaS Success: Embedded Finance as a Competitive Advantage

Speaker: Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms

Join us for an exclusive webinar hosted by Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms, where he’ll explore the significant impact of embedded finance on the software industry! This session is designed to provide you with the strategic insights needed to navigate the future of SaaS successfully, all while gaining a deeper understanding of how these trends can enhance your competitive edge, boost revenue, and deepen customer loyalty.

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The Anatomy of an Effective Contact Center One-on-One Conversation

Customer Service Life

Image by Mikko Koivuneva from Pixabay Whether it’s called a one-on-one meeting, or a coaching conversation, or a performance check-in, this regular conversation between a supervisor and an employee is essential to an effective and high-performing contact center. In a recent article on Why Contact Center Quality Assurance Matters I stated my case for a robust and consistent quality assurance program.

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Psychology of Buying: Why ‘Mental Accounting’ is Critical to the Decision to Buy

Beyond Philosophy

Have you ever noticed that spending cash is harder than using a credit card? You are not imagining things. Different payment methods carry varying degrees of discomfort when used. Cash tends to have the most painful impact, followed by checks. Credit cards offer a lesser discomfort than cash or checks. With advancements in payment technologies like contactless cards or smartphone transactions, the potential exists for these methods to generate even less discomfort than traditional credit cards.

Finance 88
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The dark corners waiting to undermine your customer experience

Adrian Swinscoe

In November of last year, I spoke at the CX NXT – Customer Experience Summit in Dubai on the topic of failure, fumbles and fiascos in customer experience. […] The post The dark corners waiting to undermine your customer experience first appeared on Adrian Swinscoe.

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Lessons from Zappos: Elevating AI Integration for Next-Level Retail Customer Service

Doing CX Right

Explore AI's transformative power to elevate retail customer customer service. Learn how to effectively use AI and customer insights to design impactful experiences with Stacy Sherman and featured guest, Alex Genov from Zappos. The post Lessons from Zappos: Elevating AI Integration for Next-Level Retail Customer Service appeared first on Doing CX Right.

Retail 106
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How to Easily Navigate Crypto Accounting in the Web3 Era

Speaker: Aaron Jacob, VP of Accounting Solutions & Reagan Cook, GTM Lead

Are you struggling to navigate the complexities and challenges that come with crypto accounting? 🤔 This new webinar will cover everything businesses need to know to get started with crypto accounting after incorporating crypto into their business models! Industry experts Aaron Jacob and Reagan Cook of TaxBit will thoroughly explore the prevalent operational hurdles encountered by accounting teams when interacting with crypto on the books, and detail how software solutions can effectively

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15 Customer experience predictions for 2024

Customer Think

For the last five years, around this time, I’ve compiled a set of customer experience-related predictions for the coming year. For each article, I gather together a set of predictions that have been sent to me over the preceding month.

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Welcome to CX 102: Advanced CX.

Bill Quiseng

Welcome to CX 102 or Advanced CX. This course is a prerequisite for business professionals in the B2C or hospitality industry. It’s an elective for the B2B or the online/digital industry. English writer Samuel Johnson said, “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.” With that in mind, today’s lesson will be a future reminder for you.

CX 88
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Embracing Total Experience (TX): A Holistic Approach

Execs In The Know

In today’s fast-evolving business landscape, the emergence of the experience economy and digital transformation has significantly altered how organizations interact with their customers and employees. Let’s take a look at the concept of total experience (TX) , an approach that could redefine your business’s strategy for success. Here’s why organizations are considering shifting to TX.

CX 102
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The Ethical Roadmap: 5 Rules for Business Ethics from Academia

Beyond Philosophy

Exploring ethics is challenging. Given its abstract nature, it is a tough subject for learning and discussion. That said, we never falter in the face of a challenge. We developed five principles of professional ethics we believe are vital to revisit periodically. Are they rigid guidelines? Do they offer absolute answers? Are they timeless? Not quite.

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3 Ways Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Can Improve Customer Experience

Today’s digitally savvy customers have high expectations of retailers for convenience, responsiveness, and ease of doing business both in-store and online. Our recent survey of over 2,000 US consumers found that retailers that can drive a seamless, omnichannel customer experience (CX) – across physical and digital channels – have huge benefits for brand relevance, profitability, and customer loyalty.

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The imperative of customer trust in 2024

Adrian Swinscoe

How to gain and keep a customer’s trust has become an ever-present challenge in recent years, with customers becoming increasingly concerned about data, privacy and security […] The post The imperative of customer trust in 2024 first appeared on Adrian Swinscoe.

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How to Build a Company Culture that Empowers Workers for Optimal Performance

Doing CX Right

Learn how to leverage emotional intelligence's pivotal role in achieving optimal performance and boosting customer satisfaction with Stacy Sherman and featured guest Daniel Goleman. The post How to Build a Company Culture that Empowers Workers for Optimal Performance appeared first on Doing CX Right.

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24 Ways 2024 Customer Experience is Smarter: CX Metrics (Part 2 of 4)

Customer Think

CX Metrics are a big part of new CX wisdom for 2024. In the past year, at least 24 new discoveries were made in the immature field of Customer Experience Management (CXM).

CXM 113
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MSP Game Changers: Mastering the Soft Factors that Matter


We’re going to start this blog post with a heavy dose of nerdy: place yourself back to when you played your last Japanese roleplaying game or Dungeons and Dragons. Your meticulously crafted character, equipped with powerful spells and enchanted weapons, ventured forth alongside a trusted party. But we nerds know that even the most optimized character sheet can't guarantee success.

Gaming 98
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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of innovative automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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How to Anticipate and Address the Unintended Consequences of CX Transformation

Execs In The Know

Humor me for a second, and imagine your company is Homer’s Odysseus. And if customer experience (CX) transformation is your odyssey, it would serve you well to remember that the journey, if not carefully navigated, can be fraught with tunnel-visioned Cyclops, time-eating Lotus Eaters, and the seductive Siren calls of newly hyped technologies. Today, staying “current” and on course can feel overwhelming.

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How to Create Unbreakable Brand Loyalty through Emotional Connection

Beyond Philosophy

Learn more about Colin Shaw : Join over 80,000 people on our LinkedIn Newsletter list or visit our website for more great podcast episodes. Listen to the podcast: Bob Black, one of our podcast listeners, loves our ideas about evoking specific customer emotions. However, he hasn’t the faintest idea of how to do it from a practical sense. As someone who appreciates the practical application of an excellent theory, Black’s pickle stood out as one I wanted to address here with you reader

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The CX value model and linking experience to business outcomes – Interview with Michael Hinshaw of McorpCX

Adrian Swinscoe

Today’s interview is with Michael Hinshaw, the founder and president of customer experience consultancy McorpCX. Michael joins me today to talk about the CX value model […] The post The CX value model and linking experience to business outcomes – Interview with Michael Hinshaw of McorpCX first appeared on Adrian Swinscoe.

CX 130
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How to Upgrade to an Advanced Customer Experience Strategy


The internet has no shortage of platforms for consumers to share their unfiltered opinions about businesses. From social media posts to Google and Yelp reviews, every buyer can recount their customer experience with your company to a global audience. It is no wonder, then, that businesses have started paying much closer attention to their customer experience (CX) strategy.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Data Warehouse: All you need to know

Customer Think

At its core, a data warehouse is a centralized repository that stores data from multiple sources in a structured format, enabling organizations to perform complex analytics and generate insights. Unlike traditional databases, which are optimized for transactional processing, data warehouses focus on analytical processing, facilitating strategic decision-making based on historical and real-time data.

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The Unexpected C-Suite Collaboration You Need for Success


What do these four pairs have in common? Apple and IBM Peanut butter and jelly Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg Marketing and Customer Success They are all unexpected — yet incredibly successful — partnerships. Bitter tech rivals put aside their differences to create world-changing innovations. A salty spread and a sweet topping form a beloved sandwich.

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How to Streamline Auto Loan Origination with Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)


Lenders are taking a more cautious approach and tightening their lending criteria to mitigate risks associated with lending to today’s financially stressed borrowers. Additionally, government authorities and regulatory bodies may intensify their scrutiny of lending. The auto loan application and underwriting process stand as pivotal stages where caution and regulation are highest.

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How to Connect With Your Customers on an Emotional Level and Drive Brand Loyalty

Beyond Philosophy

Practicality is essential. Great ideas you can’t do anything with in the real world are a waste of time. Bob Black, one of our avid podcast listeners, likes our concepts about eliciting particular customer emotions. But he doesn’t know how to do that in practical steps. So, this episode gives them to him. Bob isn’t alone. Numerous organizations struggle with eliciting specific emotions in their customers.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.