Sat.Apr 27, 2019 - Fri.May 03, 2019

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What is Sentiment Analysis? Examples, Best Practices, & More


Sentiment analysis can be a powerful tool for steering companies to successful outcomes from every customer interaction. Learn more about it here.

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Building Product Tours: The design process behind our onboarding tool

Intercom, Inc.

Every product design project is a bit like climbing a hill. You ascend the hill to gain perspective on the surrounding terrain, but you don’t know what’s on the other side – you’re figuring out how to approach the problem, and you uncover and resolve the unknowns. Once on top of the hill you have a clear view – you can see the shape of the landscape and make out the path down, you can picture what needs to be done to make progress.

Start-ups 143

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What Customer Emotions Drive the Most Value

Beyond Philosophy

What Customer Emotions Drive the Most Value. 15 years ago, in Munich, I was asked a question I couldn’t answer when presenting to an insurance company. The person asking understood what I was saying about evoking the proper emotions in a Customer Experience. No, he wanted to know how much money he would get back by investing in my idea. I didn’t know.

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How a 10-page Report Can Help You Win Your Customer

Heart of the Customer

This post, written by Heart of the Customer Program Manager Cathy McLane, is the second in a week-long series about some of the ways journey mapping differs from traditional market research. Guest authors Corey Pawlak, Cathy McLane and Nicole Newton will share their expertise in recruiting and interviewing B2B customers, why 10-page reports are better […].

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How to Optimize Call Monitoring: Automate QA and Elevate Customer Experience

Speaker: Laura Noonan, Chief Revenue Officer at CallFinder + Angie Kronlage, Director of Program Success at Working Solutions + April Wiita, Vice President of Program Success at Working Solutions

Are you still manually reviewing calls? 🤔 It's time for a change! The traditional method of manual call monitoring is no longer cutting it in today's fast-paced call center environment. Industry experts Angie Kronlage and April Wiita from Working Solutions are here to explore the power of automation to revolutionize outdated call review processes!

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The Avaya-Mitel Tie-up: Ghost of Nortel Comes Home


News broke last week that Mitel is proposing an all-stock buy-out of Avaya. The week prior, rumors were circulating that Avaya was engaging bankers to find a buyer. This is the latest twist in a long, zig-zagging road for the company. It’s only been 16 months since they emerged from bankruptcy. There’s a tasty irony to an Avaya-Mitel merger. Avaya’s core call center business was the result of an acquisition of Nortel assets, following the latter’s bankruptcy in 2009.

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4 Reasons Customer Service Ratings Matter More Than You Think


Feedback matters in the customer-centric era of business we work in. Whether it’s a customer telling your CEO that an agent did a great job or giving them a “negative” face after a chat session, there are many ways companies can receive feedback about their business. One method that has increased in popularity over the years is ratings on third-party sites.

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How Journey Mapping Differs from Traditional Market Research

Heart of the Customer

We find a lot of confusion in the marketplace around journey mapping. Some think that journey mapping is just a workshop where you take all the people who created your broken, siloed experience, give them Post-It Notes, and Bam! You have a journey map. Others go the opposite direction, considering journey mapping to be traditional […]. The post How Journey Mapping Differs from Traditional Market Research appeared first on Heart of the Customer.

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Take Challenging Customers From a Boil to a Simmer Using the Reframe Method (Step 2 of My De-escalation Strategy)

Myra Golden Media

Last week I shared my 3-Step De-escalation strategy at a Salesforce Trailblazers conference in Minneapolis. You know you’re creating value in a presentation when people start taking photos of your slides, Q & A is endless, and when your Twitter feed is aflutter with comments, compliments, and questions. I gave the audience my 3-Step De-escalation Strategy: Recognize, Reframe, Resolve.

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The ROI of Healthy Employees

Customer Service Life

In order to take the best care of others, we must first take the best care of ourselves. Do you agree? In the Innovators podcast episode with Phillip Lew, learn about how taking care of your employees and creating programs that inspire health and wellness have tangible financial benefits for organizations. I share realistic advice for organizations and leaders looking to help their employees become healthier, and happier.

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The Top Three Ways to Improve Customer Engagement and Loyalty for Enterprises


Customer loyalty is priceless. If you retain customers , they’ll spend far more than the price of their initial purchase over a lifetime. Plus, current customers are more likely to make major purchases or upsells. But the only way to cultivate this prized group is to form meaningful connections which increase customer engagement and loyalty. Always keep the customer experience in mind.

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How To Craft Your Perfect Retail Tech Stack

Speaker: Jason Cottrell and Brian Walker

The era of all-in-one platforms is over. Now, retail success depends on integrating a blend of diverse technologies to thrive. As customers and stakeholders expect agility and innovation, how can you meet these expectations efficiently without stumbling into complexity? Explore a customer-centric approach to navigating digital transformation in retail.

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Are You Ready for Your Close Up? Using Video to Bring the Customer Experience to Life

Heart of the Customer

This post, written by Heart of the Customer B2B Practice Lead Nicole Newton, is the third in a week-long series about some of the ways journey mapping differs from traditional market research. Guest authors Corey Pawlak, Cathy McLane and Nicole Newton will share their expertise in recruiting and interviewing B2B customers, why 10-page reports are […].

B2B 89
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How Can Students Avail Benefits from Online Education


Online learning is certainly one of the most useful tools for career growth because it lets students access to knowledge by providing them with an exclusive opportunity to discover and obtain fresh information at their own pace. Nowadays, a growing number of working students and professionals are being attracted by the benefits from online education and pursuing their preferred online courses.

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Jenny Dempsey to Talk Workplace Wellness at ICMI CCExpo

Customer Service Life

Did you catch the announcement? If not, look up! I’m speaking at ICMI Contact Center Expo in two weeks and I can’t freakin’ wait! I’m also anxious. Very anxious. I’m going to get vulnerable up there in front of you. I encourage you to be vulnerable. Brene Brown says, “ There is no courage without vulnerability.” So, let’s be courageous and vulnerable together, shall we?

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WFM Solutions Adapt to Changing Needs

DMG Consulting

WFM Solutions Adapt to Changing Needs. No contact center technology has undergone as significant a paradigm shift as the WFM sector. Its fundamental purpose and function remains the same, but the process is vastly different. The new generation of WFM solutions gives agents unprecedented visibility into and control over their schedules. But contact centers are also realizing many benefits, including reduced operating costs, optimized scheduling, improved performance, decreased staff attrition and

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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How to Recruit and Interview B2B Customers for your Customer Journey Mapping Project

Heart of the Customer

This post, written by Heart of the Customer Project Manager Corey Pawlak, is the first in a week-long series about some of the ways journey mapping differs from traditional market research. Guest authors Corey Pawlak, Cathy McLane and Nicole Newton will share their expertise in recruiting and interviewing B2B customers, why 10-page reports are better […].

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6 Best Career Assessment and Personality Tests to Help You Find the Right Job


Taking personality quizzes online is surely fun and games. We all enjoy taking them, don’t we? After all, they reveal something about our professional personality. Answering a series of questions and then getting to know if you’re Ron from Harry Potter or Jon from Game Of Thrones is really exciting. But, have you ever wondered answering a series of questions while taking online assessment tests or a personality assessment test that would lead you on to the right career path?

Gaming 71
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5 Technologies that Piqued Our Interest in Q1

Customer Service Life

This article was originally published on the FCR blog on March 29, 2019. Click here to read the original post and click here to watch a video description of this post. It’s that time of the quarter where we take a few moments to share some of the tools and technologies that we’ve seen in recent months that you might want to evaluate for your customer service and customer experience.

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Attention Marketers: Your Campaign Workflow Is NOT A Customer Journey

Kerry Bodine

The concept of the “journey” has permeated organizations over the past several years. While this might seem like good news to someone like me who champions the journey framework, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend — and it reminds me of one of my favorite movies. In The Princess Bride, the character Vizzini repeatedly exclaims, “Inconceivable!” in response to situations that are, in fact, quite conceivable — but simply contrary to what he hoped would happen, like a foe not falling to his death.

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Reimagine Your Communications With A Unified Platform

Cut complexity and boost efficiency while empowering your customers with Nextiva's unified communications platform. Nextiva streamlines workflows and centralizes customer interactions, all while simplifying business collaboration, increasing productivity, and reducing employee burnout.

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Are You Prepared for Unpredicted Spikes in Call Volume? [Webinar]


After the grounding of all Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft, calls to Air Canada’s customer service prompted a recording that said call volume had “temporarily exceeded the company’s capacity to answer or even place callers on hold.” While this was an extreme event, every call center faces the same problem at one time or another: Unpredictable spikes in call volume.

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Strategies for CCO Success in Startup Companies with Rosalyn Curato

Customer Bliss

It takes skill to synthesize the knowledge you’ve gained and then disseminate in a way that will help leaders make financial, cultural, and leadership decisions. Rosalyn Curato , CCO of Allovue , a startup EdFinTech (education financial technology) company, knows how to leverage this skill. In today’s episode, Rosalyn shares how her background in finance and education consulting contributes to success in her CCO role.

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To Win Millennial Customers Understand Them Don’t Mock Them


We’ve heard the term “me, me, me generation” and that millennials are lazy and self-obsessed over and over again. The major news outlets quoting stats hasn’t helped. Hasbro even made a Monopoly for Millennials. Not everyone was amused though. Whether you buy into the stereotypes or not, the so-called ‘me me me’ generation is here. Their presence as the largest generation in history, until Gen Z , will shape commerce to come as they not only buy from existing businesses but become the next round

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3 Events Paved The Path For The Customer Experience Discipline

Kerry Bodine

I’m often asked why companies invest in customer experience — and when this whole customer craze started in the first place. The short answer to the why question is that CX drives financial success. Since I’ve already written about that in other posts, today I’ll tackle the second question: When did companies start caring about customer experience? I credit three events with the rise of our modern customer experience discipline.

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Strategic CX: A Deep Dive into Voice of the Customer Insights for Clarity

Speaker: Nicholas Zeisler, CX Strategist & Fractional CXO

The first step in a successful Customer Experience endeavor (or for that matter, any business proposition) is to find out what’s wrong. If you can’t identify it, you can’t fix it! 💡 That’s where the Voice of the Customer (VoC) comes in. Today, far too many brands do VoC simply because that’s what they think they’re supposed to do; that’s what all their competitors do.

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Battle of the Airlines, Round I: Air Canada and the Customer Service Question


There are some amazing benefits to living in Canada (socialized health care, an abundance of maple syrup, and plenty of expressions for foreigners to mock, eh?). However, one clear downside is a lack of competition in the airline industry (that, and the proximity to polar bears). This is where our story begins. By all counts, Air Canada is an award-winning airline , a brand built on the notion of customer service.

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How customer expectations are both higher & lower than you think

Steven Van Belleghem

Following Moore’s Law. You probably know that I’m a big believer in following customer needs and expectations, and how smart and sensing technologies today are at the same time both fulfilling and increasing them. But what once seemed very ‘Day After Tomorrow’, has by now evolved into pure hygiene. Using tech to make the buying experience frictionless, personalized and predictive has become completely normal.

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You Aren't Journey Mapping

CX Journey

I hate to tell you this, but you're just not.* I've been doing a bit of speaking lately, either about journey mapping or with journey mapping as a piece of the talk, and I've learned a lot - or, rather, confirmed a lot. Namely, you might think you're journey mapping; you call it journey mapping; but it's not really journey mapping. Here's what happens.

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3 Events Paved The Path For The Customer Experience Discipline

Kerry Bodine

I’m often asked why companies invest in customer experience — and when this whole customer craze started in the first place. The short answer to the why question is that CX drives financial success. Since I’ve already written about that in other posts, today I’ll tackle the second question: When did companies start caring about customer experience? I credit three events with the rise of our modern customer experience discipline.

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Software Composition Analysis: The New Armor for Your Cybersecurity

Speaker: Blackberry, OSS Consultants, & Revenera

Software is complex, which makes threats to the software supply chain more real every day. 64% of organizations have been impacted by a software supply chain attack and 60% of data breaches are due to unpatched software vulnerabilities. In the U.S. alone, cyber losses totaled $10.3 billion in 2022. All of these stats beg the question, “Do you know what’s in your software?

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Getting Your Team To Care

The DiJulius Group

This guest article is brought to you by Jesse Cole, speaker at the 2019 Customer Service Revolution. It’s not the employees’ responsibility to care, it’s the leaders job to give them a reason to care. The wrong question leaders are asking is “Why don’t our employees care?” The reason is simple: Your people don’t care because. Read Full Article. The post Getting Your Team To Care appeared first on The DiJulius Group.

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6 Digital Experience Mission-Critical Trends


6 Digital Experience Mission-Critical Trends Lynn Hunsaker. Digital experience in today’s 24/7 global world spans all industries — any organization where there is a need to integrate processes, data flows and business protocols to empower employees and customers to be happier and more productive. Digital natives — anyone whose childhood was filled with digital technology — have joined the workforce: they represent an ever-growing segment of purchasing power.

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4 Strategic Steps to Help At-Risk Customers Succeed


Understanding the Meaning Behind Risk. When customers express frustrations or even start to think about ending a relationship, our first reaction as a CSM might be to assume the worst. However, embracing your most vocal customers is actually one of the best case scenarios we could hope for. Find the Good of the Frustration. While some customers may take their frustrations around a pending renewal and use it as an opportunity to excuse themselves from contractual obligations, we should be gratefu

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NPS and Journey Analytics: 2 Key Elements Of Your Customer Insights Program

Kerry Bodine

If you read my last post , you’ll know that I credit the launch of Net Promoter Score® as one of three pivotal events that paved the way for the customer experience discipline. Its brilliance is in its simplicity: Everyone from customers to top executives understand that willingness to recommend connects directly to an organization’s financial success.

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How Retailers Are Transforming Customer Experiences with Data & AI

Speaker: David Azoulay, Marc Stracuzza, Román Tejada, and Guest Speaker Sucharita Kodali

Imagine a retail landscape where every interaction is personalized, every decision informed, and every opportunity maximized 🤔✨ Join us for an exploratory journey into the heart of AI-driven retail innovation. We’ll unveil the transformative potential of AI and data analytics in shaping the future of omnichannel personalization and e-commerce.