8 Awesome Cross Platform App Development Trends in 2021


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Ready to develop a mobile app in 2021?

If yes, pay attention to cross-platform app development closely. Why?

You see, folks, there were 2.8 billion Android and 1.5 billion iOS users present in 2020. But, despite this massive mobile user base, 9,999 in 10,000 mobile app fail.

That means just targeting either Android, iOS, or Windows platforms with your app will do you no good. Instead, you have to strike the entire 6.3 billion global smartphone users with your app for maximum results.

But isn’t cross-platform app development services expensive?

No! If you follow the prevailing trends to develop your app, you can gain more ROI from cross-platform app development. Your cross-platform app development company can better help you understand what type of trends you should follow with your app, but you can refer to this post for an overview. Let’s check out some awesome mobile app development trends in 2021.

Cross Platform App Development

8 Cross Platform App Development Trends Must Try in 2021

Before hiring cross-platform app developers for your project, make sure they are familiar with the following trends in 2021:

#1. Focus on machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)

Today, from social media apps to gaming platforms, everyone is including ML and AI in its interface. Plus, smart assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, or Cortana are digging their heels further into smartphone user’s life.

On top of it, Apple has already welcomed Core ML 3 to help iOS developers embed AI into their mobile apps. So, make sure to add ML or AI elements in your cross-platform app to enhance the user experience.

#2. Give a room to chatbots

Users are today interested in interacting with apps more than before. They are looking for real-time information most easily. And for that, you have to include chatbots in your cross mobile apps to keep your users engage.

Today, there are so many different chatbots-based apps available in the market that you have to step up your game a lot. For instance, there’s a Telegram Chatbot called Andy, which can help you learn English using all AI benefits. Similarly, there’s a Lark, a conversational and intuitive fitness chatbot app to receive instant health tips.

So, think of an innovative way to introduce chatbots in your mobile app for better engagement and reach.

#3. Consider 5G technology

It is projected that by 2025, 15% of the global mobile industry will adopt 5G connectivity. This robust technology is designed to support virtual reality, augmented reality, and many other digital technologies.

Therefore, considering 100 GBPs speed of 5G technology, you should select the cross-platform services that can grow your app within the coming 5 years.

#4. On-demand apps development

Yes, on-demand apps are what people are looking for in 2021. In fact, 7.6 million people were already part of the on-demand economy in 2020. This shift is seen due to main factors—

First, the cross mobile app market is highly competitive today. So, you can’t grow without a unique idea.
Secondly, with the popularity of on-demand apps like Netflix, GrubHub, Amazon Prime, and many others, people are more interested in on-demand apps.

So, folks, if you wish to expand your app’s demand in 2021, go for on-demand cross-platform apps. However, on-demand app development isn’t easy; thus, consult a professional cross-platform app development company like Arthonsys to help you out.

#5. Connect with the wearable app technology

The next progressive technology in 2021 is wearable app integration. As per Statista, wearable devices will reach 929 million by 2021.

Additionally, advancements in VR and IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) have given a great boost to the wearables industry. Observing this trend, Apple has already launched a separate App Store for Apple Watch. So, it’s clear as daylight, wearable app technology what you next need to empower your app.

#6. Go beyond reality with AR and VR

Whether it’s Pokemon Go, Instagram AR filters, or Snapchat Stories, augmented and virtual reality technologies are already a big part of mobile apps. In fact, Google has created Earth VR to help you wander around the world virtually.

AR and VR mobile app trends aren’t new, but this has taken a new turn during lockdowns. Today, people desire virtual traveling, studying, and shopping experiences from their homes. For instance, using apps like Occulus Medium and Quill, people explored virtual art in a totally new way.

Therefore, ensure to tick AR and VR technology box while developing your new app.

#7. Can’t ignore mobile app security anymore

Mostly, people are so focused on embedding unique features and technologies into their apps that they totally forget about security. And that’s not gonna work anymore. With Uber, Facebook, and Google-like companies coming forward with security lapse cases. It has become highly important to work on mobile app security, especially for e-wallet apps.

Today, you need to maintain a separate budget for cybersecurity so that your app can adhere to the latest data protection and information privacy laws. For example, following HIPAA, PCI Data Security Standards, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and other international compliance is important if you have a medical cross-app.

#8. Spend some time with Beacons technology

Beacons technology has there been for ages now. But in 2021, it will make a reappearance in a better and stronger form. Using beacons notifications, many businesses have connected with their customers in a contextual manner.

Since it’s an important mobile app development trend in 2021, you can create apps like beacon-based payments, airports, and personal automated apps. For example, you can build a highly personalized and secure app using beacons.

Parting Thoughts

Cross-platform app development trends are buzzing right now. All these trends might confuse you currently, but once you hire the right cross-platform app developer, all these things will become easier for you.

So, if you want to develop an app that can grow your business beyond limits, connect with the best cross-platform app development service partner today.

Sagar Chaturvedi
Sagar Chaturvedi is your go-to-tech person who manages your end-to-end eCommerce, complete app and web development with the latest technologies like blockchain, AR, VR, IoT, POS, and so much more. In 2016, he started his work as Arthonsys Technologies’s CTO and successfully accomplished numerous projects in the last four years. He adheres to good communication and team building so that he can deliver the optimal quality results.


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