Move “Customer Culture” Talk to Real Customer Culture Actions

“Customer Culture” is talked about by many leaders but misunderstood by most organizations.

That is because it is spoken of as a concept, rather than attached to the deliberate behavior and consideration of customers’ lives.

The role of the Chief Customer is to work with leaders to unite behavior and provide proof to the organization that the leadership team is committed to driving growth by improving customers’ lives.

Three common categories of behavior are necessary as the leadership team works together to build out the five competencies. When the behaviors show up consistently they prove that a commitment to customer-driven growth is possible.

1. Unite the leadership team

2. Give permission and behaviors to model

3. Prove customer commitment with deliberate actions.

Customer Culture is the action, not the words.

Consistent behaviors give people direction on what to model, what decisions to make and what actions to take. Customer culture shows the customer commitment is real and not lip service.

Customer Culture is the action, not the words. #CX Share on X

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