Using customer journey orchestration to create memorable moments


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Simply offering a high-quality product or service is no longer enough to set your business apart from the rest. In fact, according to Salesforce, almost 90% of customers value the experience of buying and using a product or service as much or more than the product or service itself.

Thus, businesses must focus on creating memorable experiences that drive long-term loyalty and advocacy. This article will explore the power of creating memorable moments using customer journey orchestration, including how businesses can design experiences that create lasting memories and drive long-term loyalty.

The Power of Moments

Have you ever noticed how some experiences seem to stick with you longer than others? This is because those experiences are created using a special combination of elements that trigger a deep emotional response in customers. These moments are the building blocks of long-term loyalty, and businesses that create them are more likely to retain their customers over time.

So, what exactly are these “moments” made of? Here are some of the key elements that businesses can use to create memorable experiences:

Emotional Connection

Businesses that create an emotional connection with their customers are more likely to retain them Over time. This Can be achieved through personalization, empathy, or creating a sense of belonging.

Surprise and Delight

Surprising and delighting customers can create positive emotions That drive loyalty. This can be achieved through unexpected rewards, special offers, or simply exceeding customer expectations.


Telling a compelling story can create an emotional connection with customers and drive long-term loyalty. This can be achieved through sharing customer testimonials, highlighting customer success stories, or creating a narrative around your brand.

The Role of Orchestration and Automation in Creating Memorable Moments

Technology plays an indispensable role in creating remarkable moments, and by leveraging technology strategically, businesses can elevate their customer interactions to new heights and forge lasting emotional connections. Here are a couple of ways in which technology can support the art of moment creation.


By harnessing the power of data and analytics, businesses can craft personalized experiences tailored to each individual customer. Imagine a scenario where a luxury hotel utilizes customer preferences, purchase history, and social media activity to curate a completely personalized stay for their guests. From personalized greetings upon arrival to recommendations on nearby attractions and dining options that align with their unique preferences, every touchpoint is carefully designed to resonate with customers on a deep emotional level. This level of personalization not only enhances customer satisfaction but also cultivates an enduring sense of loyalty.

Omnichannel Consistency

Ensuring a seamless and consistent customer journey across all touchpoints and channels is paramount in creating a cohesive and memorable experience. Imagine a fashion retailer that seamlessly integrates their physical stores with online platforms. Customers can effortlessly transition from browsing clothing items online to trying them on in-store, with their preferences and previous interactions seamlessly carried over. In this scenario, a customer might browse their favorite store’s website, add items to their online cart, and then receive a notification when those items are ready for them to try on in-store. This blurring of boundaries between online and offline channels not only delights customers but also fosters a sense of trust and reliability in the brand, ultimately driving long-term loyalty.

The Power of Orchestrated Moments in Action

Businesses have the power to harness the potency of moments to propel customers into taking action. Let’s explore some remarkable ways in which moments can ignite the spark of inspiration:


Firstly, urgency becomes a formidable ally when businesses create a sense of scarcity and time sensitivity. Picture this: imagine a limited-time offer for a fashionable clothing brand. By emphasizing that there are only a few hours left for customers to snag an exclusive deal, businesses can ignite a pressing desire in potential buyers, driving them to make a purchase before it’s too late.


Secondly, scarcity can become a catalyst for desire and action. Let’s consider a scenario where a luxury travel agency offers a once-in-a-lifetime package to an exotic destination. By creating a sense of exclusivity and limited availability, businesses can evoke a deep longing in customers, motivating them to seize the opportunity and embark on a truly extraordinary adventure.

Social Proof

Finally, social proof has the remarkable ability to shape customer behavior. Imagine a situation where a software company utilizes testimonials from satisfied customers to build credibility and trust. By showcasing positive reviews and endorsements on their website and social media platforms, businesses can instill confidence in potential customers, ultimately cultivating a higher conversion rate.

Moments are the building blocks of long-term loyalty. By creating memorable experiences through customer journey orchestration that trigger deep emotional responses in customers, businesses can drive action, increase retention rates, and create advocates for their brand. Remember that technology plays a supporting role to moment creation, but humans are the heart of any memorable experience.

Greg Kihlstrom
Greg Kihlström is a best-selling author, speaker, and entrepreneur, and serves as an advisor and consultant to top companies on marketing technology, marketing operations, customer experience, and digital transformation initiatives. He has worked with some of the world’s top brands, including Adidas, Coca-Cola, FedEx, HP, Marriott, Nationwide, Victoria’s Secret, and Toyota.


  1. Big data consumer segmentation, coupled with advances in AI and analytics, is revolutionizing customer journey orchestration. These technologies provide deep insights into consumer behavior and preferences, enabling businesses to tailor experiences effectively. Importantly, these capabilities are no longer exclusive to large corporations; advances in AI and analytics are making them accessible to small and medium-sized businesses, leveling the playing field and empowering them to compete more effectively in the market.


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