How a Software Developing Company Align Projects with Customer Expectations


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Meeting customer expectations with the end product is one of the top priorities for scaling and growing a business. A software developing company faces several challenges to bridge the gap between the customer’s vision and the final product.

This article discusses how a business can align the project with what its customers want.

So, keep scrolling to get the insights.

Guide on mastering customer expectations from a software developing company

Below is a guide to a company can fathom customer needs:

Untangling customer’s expectations

Understanding customer expectations is the cornerstone of building successful products and services. This enables a software developing company to understand what it must offer its customers. These expectations are a complex web, influenced by several factors:

  • Past Experiences: Prior interactions with similar or comparable products or services set the tone for what customers anticipate.
  • Industry Standards: Customers compare the business’ offering to established norms within the industry.
  • Marketing Messages: The marketing efforts shape customer perceptions of what the product or service will deliver.
  • Beyond these, factors like demographics, technical expertise, and the end use of the product can also influence customer expectations.

The key to reducing the gap between customer perception and reality is to comprehensively gather and analyze customer needs. This is more than just posing queries. It involves actively listening to the customers through surveys, interviews, and in-depth user testing.

By carefully analyzing customers’ feedback, businesses can identify underlying customer needs and desires. With this thorough understanding, companies can customize their products and services to meet and surpass customers’ expectations. Thus, increased customer satisfaction and loyalty fuel long-term success.

Define clear objectives

A clearly defined goal serves as a road map, directing the company’s activities and producing favorable results. Investing the time to clearly define objectives pays off throughout the project. It guarantees that all individuals are in sync, driven, and striving for a common achievement goal.

Setting clear objectives offers a multitude of benefits to a custom software development company in the USA:

    Enhanced focus and direction: Clear objectives provide fewer focal points, eliminating ambiguity and ensuring every team member pursues the same objective.
    Improved decision-making: A well-defined objective acts as a guiding principle, making decision-making more streamlined and effective.
    Increased motivation and engagement: When everyone understands the “why” or the cause behind their work, it fosters a sense of purpose. Thus, individuals are more driven to contribute their best efforts.
    Efficient resource allocation: By clearly outlining objectives, resources like time, budget, and personnel can be allocated strategically for optimum impact.
    Measurable progress and success: Clearly defined goals make it possible to establish precise measurements. This helps companies to monitor development, pinpoint areas for enhancement, and eventually recognize successes.

Establish effective communication

Communicating clearly and consistently is essential to maintain transparency among all the stakeholders. A software developing company can bridge the digital gap by strategically implementing these technology-driven communication channels. Thus, businesses can increase transparency and enable teams to work together effectively in a rapidly changing technology environment.

Here’s how to leverage technology to establish effective communication channels:

  • Project management platforms, like Asana and Trello, provide a central hub to manage project tasks, timelines, and discussions, keeping everyone in the loop.
  • Collaborative documents like Google Docs and Microsoft 365 let individuals edit and create documents in real-time, streamlining collaboration and reducing the risk of document control issues.
  • Instant messaging apps like Slack and Microsoft Teams let them exchange information quickly, huddle, and share files, creating a more fluid communication flow.
  • Video conferencing platforms, like Google Meet and Zoom, allow teammates to have virtual meetings, deliver presentations, and conduct brainstorming sessions. Thus, they can collaborate even if they’re far from the team.
  • Internal knowledge bases, such as company policies and FAQs, provide a centralized repository for information, allowing team members to manage and access information quickly and easily.

Control scope creep

Often, clients come up with new requests for additional features or functionality in a software development life cycle. Scope creep can arise when these requirements are not included in the original project scope. It can derail timelines, inflate budgets, and frustrate clients if not addressed properly for a custom software development company.

    Clearly Defined Scope Document: Describe the functionalities, deliverables, and timelines of the project in a comprehensive scope document that is created upfront. This acts as a point of reference for controlling expectations.
    Change Control Process: Create a structured procedure to address feature requests that surface during the project. This guarantees that all changes are assessed for their effects on the timeline, budget, and viability before being approved.
    Transparent Communication: Continue to communicate freely with all parties involved. Talk about the status of the project often and draw attention to any dangers of scope creep. In addition to building trust, proactive communication enables early course correction when necessary.
    Setting priorities and making trade-offs: As new feature requests arise, order them according to the project’s current objectives. Be ready to explain trade-offs and how they might affect deadlines or other functionalities.
    Version Control: Track project progress and roll back to earlier versions as needed using version control systems such as Git. This enables the investigation of novel features while maintaining safety precautions.

Set a realistic budget and timeline

Realistic budgets and timelines are the building blocks for a successful project. Companies can divide the project into smaller and manageable tasks for quicker achievement. They also must assess the time and resources needed for each step, considering team experience and potential challenges.

In addition, historical data from similar projects can provide valuable insights into cost and time estimates. A software developing company can set a buffer for unexpected circumstances within their budget and timeline. This can mitigate the chance of failure in meeting the deadline.

Organizations must help clients understand their budget constraints. This helps create transparency and sets expectations from the start. Regular project reviews from clients help evaluate progress and identify any deviations from the original budget or timeline. Thus, organizations must keep all stakeholders informed as adjustments are made.

Agile methodologies

Agile methodology is a project management approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iteration. Unlike traditional linear project management, Agile breaks projects into smaller, easier-to-manage phases called sprints.

This iterative approach enables continuous feedback and course corrections throughout the project life cycle. The first step in each sprint is establishing clear goals and priorities with stakeholders, including product owners and customers. Stakeholders then break the work into manageable tasks and estimate the effort needed for each task.

At the completion of every sprint, a working increment of the product is delivered. This increment allows the team to get user feedback and test their assumptions.

This enables the team to specify potential issues and make changes for future sprints. The iterative characteristics of Agile permits the team to plan, develop, deliver, and get feedback. This continuous cycle ensures that the final product is in line with changing needs and priorities. This results in higher project success.

Utilize a minimum viable product

MVP is one of the core concepts in Agile methodology. A leading software developing company in the present day must adopt the MVP concept for success.

What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?
It stands for Minimum Viable Product. An MVP is a version of a product with essential functionalities that provide enough value for early users. An MVP isn’t meant to be a complete product; it’s meant to be a learning and testing tool.

  • The key concept behind an MVP is that core functionalities solve a user’s primary problem. This allows for rapid product development, testing, and feedback.
  • By focusing on core functions, development teams can quickly get the MVP in the hands of users. Users use it and provide valuable insights on usability and performance.
  • Developers then iterate the product based on real-world user experience. Following that, development teams can refine and improve the product iteratively.

This eliminates the risk of investing large resources in features that may not resonate with users. Thus, it helps to ensure that the final product meets real user needs, leading to success.

Prioritize quality assurance

Quality Assurance is an integral part of Agile methodologies. Unlike traditional approaches, where QA is a late-stage testing phase, Agile teams incorporate QA activities into the development lifecycle.

This continuous quality focus ensures that defects are detected and addressed quickly, reducing rework and delay. To achieve this continuous quality focus, a software development company in New York leverages a range of QA techniques:

  • Automated testing tools are used to continually test code functionality and detect regression.
  • Peer reviews, which involve team members reviewing each other’s work, help identify potential problems early in the development cycle.
  • User acceptance testing involves real users testing the product and providing feedback. It ensures that the end product satisfies the user’s expectations.

The goal of Agile methodology is to proactively catch defects early in the development lifecycle and minimize post-release defects.


A software developing company can create a collaborative and open development environment by adopting these approaches. This results in projects that meet and exceed customer expectations.

Thus, companies can ultimately build long-lasting client relationships and a reputation for providing quality, user-friendly software solutions.

Pratip Biswas
Pratip Biswas, is the Founder and CEO of Unified Infotech, a New York based tech-company which has been featured in Deloitte Fast 500| Fastest growing tech companies in 2018. His company is working with Enterprises, SMB’s and Start-ups to improve their efficiency through Digital Adoption and help them discover new possibilities through constant innovations.


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