How can AI and machine learning assist in app development and marketing?


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Artificial intelligence and machine learning are seen as an integral part of our lives. Big and small enterprises are using the technology in many fields and are evolving the user experience to great folds. In no time, artificial intelligence is expected to go way above the intellectual capabilities of an average human mind and following later to beat some of the greatest minds of the world.

Artificial intelligence solutions help us to solve complex problems. It has made the businesses more sharp and insightful. All in all, it is improving the way businesses managed their work operations and performed various tasks that boost productivity and profitability. In particular, the application of AI includes expert systems such as speech recognition, machine learning, and machine vision to reach that potency.

Having said that, it is quite unsettling to see people using AI and ML interchangeably. This brings us to our first discussion of the day today.

What is the difference between AI and ML?

AI is advanced computer intelligence. It includes programs for doing repetitive tasks, from voice recognition to operating complex business operations. All in all, there are three categories in which AI can be divides:
– Narrow or weak AI
– Artificial General Intelligence
– Superintelligent AI

The narrow of weak AI is designed to perform only one task the range of solutions provided by this AI is limited to a very narrow domain. The AI that can perform multiple tasks simultaneously and holds general intelligence like an average human is Artificial General Intelligence. And Super intelligent AI is built for the task that is more advance and has intellectual capabilities more than the most intelligent human minds. They are built for analytical, creative, and scientific works.

Machine learning is just a fragment of the tasks that can be done through AI. The key role of machine learning in the successful implementation of AI is that it receives data and learns from it. You can train a program through enormous data that is collected through speech recognition, object recognition, facial recognition, translation, Chatbots, messages, etc. They help in learning the pattern in the data and prediction of the next step. This reduces the need to provide instructions to perform or complete a particular task.

Role of AI and Machine Learning in app development and marketing

AI and ML show great potential in many industries, including software and mobile app development companies. As a leading AI development company, we have incorporated it in many ways to improve business operations, enhance customer experience and improve business intelligence.

The power-packed performance and boosted understanding of user preferences have allowed businesses to go a step ahead in their service provision. Artificial intelligence and machine learning prove useful in many ways.
Machine learning feeds the data to the machines, and they learn about the entire operation to improve the experience. As a subset of AI, it empowers the whole ecosystem to work more intelligently.

There are many popular ways of using AI and ML. Most common being using it for complex calculations and make the program more efficient in making intelligent decisions. Today we have autonomous cars which use artificial technology. Integrated with ML, the smart system continuously learns to handle the task more and more efficiently give the best results. A lot of data generation on a daily basis thus can be utilized in several ways to improve the quality of life through mobile and web applications.

In particular, smart applications are a need for businesses. Collecting data and utilizing it to improve the experience of the users over time is a big mistake. Your competitors might already be using the data as fuel and empowering their business operations.

Here are a few ways you can use AI and ML in combination or individually in app development and marketing.

– Personalized Experience

A machine learning algorithm can be used in developing a learning curve just like humans. It helps in analyzing the user experience over your application, and you can boost the development practices. It helps you in improving the functioning of the software solutions and provides recommendations where you need to work. Cloud computing services can help you in managing your data more efficiently. Data efficiency would empower you to improve the understanding of your employees and make much better decisions.

– Smart Search

Machine learning helps you gather the data and improve the ecosystem. Through a machine learning algorithm, you can understand the user preferences better and filter the searches based on their preferences. This alone can help you increase engagement on the application and elevate the chances of user retention. Offering precise solutions that are contextual to the individual can help you provide them personalized experiences on the apps.

– Relevant ads

Advertising is one of the most resource-exhaustive tasks. Even though marketing solutions provided by digital platforms are much cheaper than the conventional ways, you need a lot of strategizing to define your marketing goals, messages, and metrics to know if the campaign was a success. This is not possible without understanding the marketing trends and the needs of the customers.

Targeted ads over an app would make a lot more sense. With AI and ML, you can define what ads should be shown to a particular individual. Understanding user behavior and choices thus become easy. Even when advertising, you can make the ads more personalized and target the right audience. Machine learning helps you in understanding how a particular user will respond to an offer or promotion.

– Enhanced Security

AI and ML are popularly used as security parameters. People are fast giving up on numerical locks and are moving towards biometric locks to use apps and access other things over their smartphones. Using the technology for facial recognition, voice recognition, etc., can help you in improving app security. It is also being used to determine and prevent cyber-attacks.

Security being one of the hottest topics of the technology world, this solution can help you in establishing a standalone image in the market and boost app downloads.

– Efficient support

Gone are the days when the data used to be a waste. It is the fuel that is running big and small enterprises, and today it is the most important thing. Cloud-based applications are becoming more and more popular because of their efficiency and sheer advantage in the market. AI and ML integrated Chatbots can utilize cloud integration services to improve your data collection, management, and storage. You can use these avenues to improve your understanding of your customers and resolve the problems without human interference. Automating your customer support would improve your efficiency.

– Modern features

As said earlier, there are various ways you can utilize the potential that lies with machine learning and artificial intelligence. It holds tremendous potential, and you can use them in building modern solutions for the app, such as speech-to-text conversion, speech instructions, image recognition, etc.

Wrapping Up

These were some ways in which AI and ML can be utilized in the app development and marketing process. For more great ideas, stay connected with us by subscribing to our newsletters. Also, if you have an AI or ML integrated app idea, connect with our technology experts for free tech consultation.

Amit Agrawal
As the Founder and COO at Cyber Infrastructure Inc, it is my aspiration to drive our global clients ahead in the competitive technology world by enabling them to receive huge financial and operational benefits in web development through my years of experience and extensive expertise as technology adviser and strategist. In my current position at CIS, I spearhead management of various technology initiatives, expansion of our technology capabilities, and delivery of quality excellence to our clients.


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