6 Powerful Ways to Boost Customer Satisfaction


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Customer satisfaction is a hotly debated topic in the marketing world. Some business owners consider a lead “satisfied” when they purchase a product or service from their online store.

In reality, satisfaction can end long after a customer’s first order. Here’s something to think about; what do people do when they’re unsatisfied with a product? That’s right; they move on to something else.

For context, over 80% of people claim they stopped working with a brand over one poor experience.

If you aim to build rapport with customers and increase sales, you want to ensure people are consistently happy with your product and service.

Cue your customer satisfaction strategy.

Customer satisfaction strategies vary from business to business. What works for one industry may not fly with another. However, there are several universal tips marketers and leaders should follow to boost customer satisfaction.

I’ve used the following strategies for close to a decade and have found success. I believe you can achieve similar results with a little patience and persistence.

Let’s begin!

Give New Visitors a Reason to Engage

One mistake I see many new brand owners and marketers make is not incentivizing new visitors to engage with the business. To build a satisfied audience, you have to be willing to give people something valuable, even if they haven’t pulled out their debit cards.

Your lead generation efforts will determine how many people you can talk to about your product or service. If no one joins your email list, you’ll have a tough time building a customer base to satisfy in the first place.

If you want more email leads, I suggest creating a simple lead magnet for your site. Lead magnets are content, or limited-time promotions visitors can get by joining your email list. For example, a business may offer new subscribers 30% off their first order.

We found that over 50% of brands that use lead magnets saw a surge in new leads across all marketing platforms. It’s hard to satisfy users who aren’t connected to your brand. Incentivize users to interact with your company through your website, email, or social media, and you’ll have more opportunities to impress.

Develop a Detailed Onboarding Journey

If your goal is to boost customer satisfaction, a detailed onboarding journey is a must.

Let’s start with the basics; what is onboarding? Simply put, onboarding is any process that gets a new user comfortable with your brand. For example, when you buy a new software as a service (SaaS) and receive an in-app step-by-step guide, that’s onboarding!

Much like a customer journey map, an onboarding journey follows customers or subscribers through their first several actions. To create an effective plan, you must understand your customer’s goals, pain points, and needs.

Use this information to create guides that will dispel fears and boost brand confidence.

One of the easiest ways to start this process is to work with some of your new customers. Ask them what they wished they knew how to do and learn what you can do to create a more rewarding, valuable experience.

Setting users up for success with an onboarding program and helpful resources can dramatically increase customer satisfaction.

Leverage the Power of Personalization

Did you know that 80% of online shoppers want brands to personalize their experiences? This statistic shows we can boost customer satisfaction by showing users relevant content and offers.

If you want to implement a personalization strategy, start by building customer segments. Segments are groups of people who all have similar needs and pain points. Marketers use segments to create specific types of content and promotions.

You can learn about customer segments for your business by reviewing feedback, engaging with customers on social media, and checking out your on-site analytics.

For example, the leader of an all-in-one marketing suite would create segments for email marketers, social media brand ambassadors, SEO experts, and so on. Each group has a select set of goals and needs, and personalized content helps the marketing team connect with customers on topics that matter.

Personalization can affect more than satisfaction. Research shows that personalizing email subject lines and calls to action (CTAs) can also improve sales and engagement. On average, brands that use personalized CTAs convert 42% more visitors.

Offer Omnichannel Support

The quickest way to damage your reputation and customer satisfaction is by having a lackluster support system. Customers expect fast, accurate help when they reach out to your business, whether on-site, through email, or through social media. If no one is there to help, they will seek out a company with robust support options.

A survey recently found that 63% of people say they are more likely to return to a website that offers live chat and other flexible support options. It all starts to make sense when you think about why people behave this way.

No one wants to spend their hard-earned money on a product only to find the business doesn’t care enough to address their needs. “Always on” support means your audience can reach out for help, regardless of where they are in the world.

The best part about this strategy is you can set up support channels to help, even if there’s no one around to talk to the customer. Two common ways to do this include chatbots and on-site resource centers. You can add chatbots to your social media channels and websites so customers can quickly and easily get answers to common questions.

On-site resources, like a training section of your blog, act as a makeshift customer support channel and will help users maximize the value of their purchase, which means greater satisfaction.

Reward Customers for Their Loyalty

Loyalty programs can go a long way toward building a happy fanbase. People want to believe they are getting the best deal possible. Sometimes, their extra value comes from loyalty programs.

For instance, a lot of people use credit cards so they can gather points. It’s not about using credit. Instead, it’s more about the little bit of extra value that comes from being loyal.

Businesses can create a whole bunch of different loyalty rewards for their audience. Free gifts, discounts, and store credit are all great ways to encourage people to return to your website after their first visit.

If you don’t know what your audience wants, ask them! Create a simple satisfaction survey and ask customers what loyalty rewards they want to see on your site. Use the feedback you gather from the questionnaire to develop a program that rewards customers, improves satisfaction, and encourages future sales.

Act on User Feedback

While we are on the topic of satisfaction surveys, let’s discuss how acting on user feedback is one of the best ways you can improve satisfaction. Your audience wants to feel like their voice matters. If you’re willing to reach out to users so they can share their opinions and then act on what you learn, you’ll be well on your way to improving customer happiness.

I suggest sending out feedback forms at key points in the user journey. For example, you should send new email subscribers a survey so you can segment them into the right list. At the same time, it’s important to send surveys to customers after they’ve made a purchase. You can learn how to fine-tune your products or services by reading this type of feedback.

You can also send general surveys on social media, email satisfaction surveys, and more.

Listening to your customers’ needs and taking action is a surefire way to build trust with visitors and grow your business. You’ll easily create a list of loyal brand advocates if you continue meeting and exceeding expectations expressed in surveys.

Final Thoughts

There’s no question that customer satisfaction is one of the most important things you can cultivate as a business owner. Sadly, there is no “one size fits all” fix for boosting satisfaction. However, you can tilt the odds in your favor if you’re willing to listen to some of the advice presented today and take action for your customers.

Syed Balkhi
Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. With over 10 years of experience, he’s the leading WordPress expert in the industry. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.


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