When Sales & Marketing Converge With SaaS, Customers Win and So Do You


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Today sales and marketing are becoming one team, rallying around a shared vision for accelerating and maintaining growth. By coming together they can optimize for the most personalized 1:1 customer experience (CX) possible and demonstrate that the brand cares about the customer. We all know building trust is a must in a world where trust is at stake everywhere we look.

SaaS as a Unifying Force for Sales & Marketing

SaaS is paving the way toward this ideal state, which is a highly-cohesive team with loosely coupled integrations between the SaaS platforms of each group. Companies are turning to SaaS platforms and apps to facilitate a low cost but high-touch customer experience. Teams want to work in the way that is most effective for them, while at the same time strengthening cross-functional collaboration, joint workflows and data sharing so that they become a seamless, data driven revenue engine.

Optimizing CX with SaaS-Powered Data Sharing

The data sharing piece is key. The more that sales and marketing teams know about their client base as a whole, the greater the analysis they can do to better identify their ideal customer profile (ICP) and cohorts within their client base to serve them better with tailored marketing and offerings.

They are connecting Salesforce with Jira and Confluence in the Atlassian workspace so that anyone working out of one of the many Salesforce clouds can benefit from, leverage and act on the data from any team within the company using Jira and Confluence.

Integrating Salesforce/Jira/Confluence for a Single Source of Truth

Salesforce-Atlassian integration allows users of both platforms to sync their data, providing a streamlined, single source of truth. In other words, it frees data to follow users and customers along the entire business workflow, giving every member of the go-to-market (GTM) team (or anyone in a customer-facing role) a true 360-degree view of a client’s experience from pre-sales to renewal. New logo wins, renewals, upsells, gross revenue retention (GRR) and net revenue retention (NRR) are all boosted when data flows between teams and their unique systems.

3 GTM Benefits of Optimized Customer Data Flow

Putting the prospect-brand interaction points in the hands of the GTM team has big benefits, including the following three:

Data-informed client interactions. Post-Salesforce/Jira/Confluence integration, when the GTM team has an interaction with that potential client, it is current, relevant and knowledgeable — and they can make that prospect feel like there’s a strong two-way bond. If you’re trying to win business, you can easily provide the right piece of collateral to a prospect moving through the funnel to motivate them.

Using real-time data to dodge landmines. Data-informed client interactions help to avoid the dreaded scenario of a sales rep walking in cold to a customer interaction where the customer says, “I’ve had five issues in the last week, why don’t you know about that?” If you’re a sales rep and you’re aiming for a renewal or an upsell, having that integration between Jira, Confluence and Salesforce provides a centralized place for sales and marketing teams to work from, in order to always have a real-time understanding of the customer experience.

Proactive high-touch experiences. If a customer enters a bug ticket in Jira, for example, the Atlassian-Salesforce integration allows that ticket to be moved over to Salesforce. From there, the CRM system will notify the rep who can then reach out to the customer with a proactive high-touch experience without the customer needing to initiate contact.

It’s important to note that the quality of the data and the interaction between the two systems is highly dependent on the quality of the workflow a team has in its Atlassian workspace. Companies can have a fine grain workflow with lots of detail or a very loose workflow. The more well-instrumented and well-defined that workflow is, the better the information that gets back into Salesforce. This enables the client-facing roles to have a richer experience with the client.

All in all, SaaS platforms and apps help considerably to support data-driven decision making for better 1:1 personal interactions. They also enable better data analysis that refines the understanding of what makes a successful (or not successful) customer so that companies can tune their offerings and workflows to eliminate problem areas and best serve their customer needs.

Ed Frederici
Ed Frederici is an experienced CTO with a proven track record of execution-focused leadership and an extensive background bringing start-up technology companies to fruition via strategic and tactical planning. Since joining Appfire, he has played an instrumental role in building and expanding its portfolio, and successfully integrating new apps and solutions via acquisitions. Ed previously served as CTO for Salesforce Marketing Cloud (previously ExactTarget), Terminus, Cheetah Digital and Pacers Sports & Entertainment.


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