Enhancing Customer Experience in Travel Clothing Retail through Community-Building Strategies


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In the competitive world of travel clothing retail, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to stand out and connect with their customers. One effective approach is the implementation of a community-building strategy. This strategy goes beyond traditional marketing and sales tactics, focusing on creating a sense of belonging and shared identity among customers. In the travel industry, where experiences and adventures are highly valued, fostering a community can significantly enhance customer experience and brand loyalty.

The Essence of Go-to-Community Strategy

A go-to-community strategy involves creating and nurturing a community around a brand, where customers share common interests, values, and experiences. This approach is particularly beneficial in the travel industry, where customers are not just buying products but are also seeking inspiration, advice, and connection with fellow travelers. By building a community, brands can create a platform for customers to engage, share stories, and form a deeper connection with the brand and each other.

A go-to-community strategy is a comprehensive approach that involves creating and nurturing a vibrant community around a brand. This strategy is centered on bringing together customers who share common interests, values, and experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and connection. In the dynamic world of the travel industry, this approach takes on an even greater significance. Travelers are not merely in search of products; they are looking for inspiration, practical advice, and a sense of connection with others who share their passion for exploration and adventure.

By building a community, brands can offer more than just products; they can provide a platform where stories and experiences are exchanged, where advice is sought and given, and where the bonds between customers and the brand are deepened. This community becomes a space for engagement, where customers can share their travel tales, discuss their favorite destinations, and even provide feedback on products based on their real-world experiences.

In addition, such a strategy can transform customers into brand advocates. When customers feel they are part of a community, they are more likely to develop a strong emotional connection with the brand, leading to increased loyalty and word-of-mouth promotion. They become not just consumers but active participants and promoters of the brand’s story and values.

Benefits for Brands and Customers

For brands, this strategy leads to increased customer loyalty, higher engagement, and word-of-mouth marketing. Customers, on the other hand, benefit from a sense of belonging, valuable information exchange, and enhanced overall experience with the brand. This mutual benefit creates a strong foundation for long-term relationships between the brand and its customers.

Key Components of Community-Building Strategy:

Creating a Shared Identity

Brands can foster a sense of shared identity by aligning their messaging and branding with the adventurous spirit of their target audience. This involves storytelling that resonates with the travel experiences and aspirations of customers.

  • Example: Merrell, a brand known for its hiking shoes, creates a shared identity by promoting outdoor adventures and wellness. Their campaigns often feature inspiring hiking trails and stories that resonate with their customers’ passion for exploration.
  • Engagement and Interaction

    Encouraging interaction among customers through social media, forums, or in-store events allows them to share travel stories and tips. This not only enhances customer experience but also provides valuable insights for the brand.

  • Example: At Western Rise, we actively engage with our community through social media. We encourage our customers to share their adventure stories and photos while wearing our travel clothing, using specific hashtags. This not only showcases their experiences but also fosters interaction among our community of travelers. By doing this, we enhance the customer experience, making everyone feel part of a larger, adventurous family.
  • Example #2: Osprey, a backpack brand, encourages customer interaction through their #OspreyAdventureProof campaign, where they invite people to share their backpacking experiences on social media.
  • Exclusive Events and Experiences

    Organizing travel-themed events or adventure trips exclusively for community members creates unique experiences that go beyond the product, deepening the customer’s connection with the brand.

  • Example: The North Face often hosts exclusive events such as climbing workshops or adventure film screenings, providing unique experiences that align with their customers’ interests in exploration.
  • Image Source: Pexels

    Loyalty Programs and Clubs

    Implementing loyalty programs where members receive exclusive benefits or early access to new products fosters a sense of exclusivity and belonging within the community.
    Example: Deuter, a backpack manufacturer, has a program where they invite avid hikers and travelers to provide feedback on products, sometimes even involving them in the design process for new gear.

    Feedback and Co-Creation

    Involving customers in the product development process through feedback and co-creation initiatives makes them feel valued and part of the brand’s journey.

    Sustainability and Shared Values

    Aligning with sustainable practices and values important to the community strengthens the bond between customers and the brand.

  • Example: Teva, known for their sandals and outdoor footwear, demonstrates a commitment to sustainability through their use of recycled materials, resonating with environmentally conscious travelers.
  • Online and Offline Integration

    Combining online community-building efforts with in-store experiences ensures a seamless and holistic customer journey.

  • Example: L.L.Bean offers outdoor discovery programs where customers can sign up online for in-person workshops and adventures, integrating their online presence with real-world experiences.
  • Storytelling and Content Creation

    Sharing travel stories and content related to adventure keeps the community engaged and connected to the brand. Provide educational content such as packing tips, travel guides, or gear maintenance advice. This not only positions your brand as an expert but also adds value to your customers’ travel experiences.

  • Example: GoPro, while not exclusively a travel brand, creates content around adventure and travel, sharing stories and tips that engage their community and keep them connected to the brand.
  • Influencer and Ambassador Programs

    Collaborating with travel influencers or having brand ambassadors who embody the spirit of travel attracts more people to the community.

  • Example: Osprey, known for their backpacks, collaborates with travel influencers and ambassadors who embody the spirit of adventure, attracting more people to their brand community.
  • Social Responsibility

    Engaging in social responsibility initiatives related to travel resonates with customers and strengthens the community bond.
    Example: TOMS Shoes, while not exclusively a travel brand, has a strong social responsibility program where they donate a pair of shoes for every pair sold. This initiative resonates with the travel community’s desire to give back.

    User-Generated Content (UGC)

    Encourage customers to share their travel photos and stories using your products. Feature this content on your website and social media. UGC not only provides authentic testimonials but also makes customers feel valued and part of the brand’s story.

    Virtual Events and Webinars:

    Host virtual events, webinars, or live Q&A sessions with travel experts, adventurers, or brand ambassadors. This can provide valuable information and tips to your community, especially in times when in-person events are not feasible.

    Rewarding Referrals

    Implement a referral program where customers are rewarded for bringing new members into the community. This can encourage word-of-mouth marketing and community growth.
    By incorporating these additional strategies, travel retail brands can further strengthen their community-building efforts and enhance the customer experience, ultimately leading to a more engaged and loyal customer base.


    In conclusion, community-building in travel clothing retail is a powerful customer experience strategy. By creating a shared identity, fostering interaction, and providing unique experiences, brands can build a loyal community of customers. This approach not only enhances the customer experience but also provides significant benefits for the brand, including increased loyalty, engagement, and advocacy. In the travel industry, where experiences are paramount, a go-to-community strategy can be a game-changer for brands looking to make a lasting impact.

    Will Watters
    Will Watters is the Co-Founder and Creative Director of Western Rise, a travel clothing brand focused on functional elegance and versatile style. Will has been sourcing, developing, and bringing to market products in various industries for over a decade. He solves consumer problems with a mixture of deep textile understanding, intricate product sourcing, and a passion for products. Passionate about traveling, with experience from numerous trips of various types.


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