Best Practices For Contract Labour Management System


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A business needs employees to manage daily activities. Sometimes it needs labourers on a short-term contract, while they may also need workers for a long-term contract. Hiring contract labour is a common practice in many industries. For example, the real estate development industry requires contractual labour for various projects. When a project ends, the contracts between workers and employers end.

The process of contract labour management is not simple, as many crucial factors are involved in this process. From crafting a legal contract to hiring the employees in a legitimate process, the HR department has to manage various tasks in managing labour recruitments in contracts. Using a labour management system can make the job simpler for HR managers. Moreover, the system encourages the companies to follow the best practices for managing contractual labour.

So, what are those best practices for managing contract labours? Find a guide in the following section of this article.

1. Creating a Transparent Job Contract

Before hiring a person on a short-term contract, the employer has to create a job contract. The contract should reveal all terms and conditions of the employment opportunity. There should not be any question regarding the transparency of the contract. Using a contract labour management system will help employers to produce such contracts easily. The portal comes with many sample contract formats. You can use any format and craft a contract mentioning all the terms and conditions.

2. Create Database of Identification of Contract Labours

The employer should create a database of the identification documents of the contract labourers. You can create a profile for each contract labour using the labour management system. Digital copies of the identification documents of those labourers should be stored under their profiles. Any state-issued identification card is an authentic document for revealing personal and demographic details of a person. Some workers must possess the license to perform a few specific tasks. Thus, those licenses will also be part of the digital documents.

3. Health-related Information

Storing the health information of the contractual employees is essential. Health information includes blood group, age details, history of severe diseases, eyesight strength, height, weight, and many more. Keeping all such details can prove to be life-saving in many cases. At workplaces, accidents may happen. Despite the availability of all the security equipment, accidents take place. Emergency medical treatment is essential in case of accidents. Storing the health information of the contracted labourers will help them to undergo quick medical treatment.

4. Attendance Data

An employer expects dedication from the employees. The contract labourers should follow the standard norms for working in an industrial plant. The most important thing is attendance. The contract labour management software helps the managers to track the attendance data of the employers. When a person has poor attendance, it means the person is not productive for the organization. For attendance monitoring, biometric details of the workers are required. Through biometric authentication, attendances of the employees will be recorded in the contract labour management system.

5. Tracking the Safety Training Status

Contractual workers must undergo safety training. The employer has to arrange such training for teaching the safety standards to the employees. Not providing such training to the employees may lead to legal compliance problems. As a result, the state can impose hefty penalties on such employers. Using a contract labour management tool is essential to track the status of the safety training. When a person undergoes safety training, he becomes eligible to perform certain jobs.

6. Contract Renewal

Tracking the expiry of the contracts and renewing them are strategic business decisions. Employers may like to renew contracts with those who provide dedicated service. On the other hand, an employer may not want to renew contracts with a few workers, as their services were not up to the mark. Using a contract management tool can help you to track performances and contract details. You can make decisions on contract renewal easily using the information supplied by the tool.

So, these are some standard practices for managing contract labourers. Using a contract labour management system makes the job simpler for employers.

Abdullah Parkar
Abdullah Parkar is Delivery Head in ITCube Solutions with over 20+ years of professional experience in Business analysis, design, Project Management, Software Project delivery, ERP system implementation. He is having good domain Knowledge in Healthcare, Manufacturing, Warehouse Management & Inventory, Purchase, Sales & Distribution, Finance, Procurement, Asset Management, Payroll, Plant Maintenance, Lab sub-system, Fulfillment, Estimation, & Mobility solution. He has also worked on-site (in the USA), the Middle East co-ordinating directly with clients as a Systems Analyst and Coordinator.


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