Your Top Questions About Working with a Results-Driven Agency, Answered


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When we have conversations with prospective clients, many share the same concerns. More often than not, they essentially boil down to, “Am I ready to work with an agency like yours?” The issue of readiness is a complex one. But after years of experience, we’ve seen it all before. Despite where you are on a self-perceived “readiness” spectrum, we’d love to partner with you. To help you feel more confident, here are a few of the most common questions we hear and some considerations about each. 

Is my data in decent shape? 

As a marketing operations (MOps) organization, we’re deep experts in data. Because of this, some people worry that their data is too scattered, too “dirty” or too old to be used actionably by us. They think they have to do certain things or clean it up themselves before engaging us. 

But, the truth is that we don’t expect or need our customers to be data experts. That’s what we’re here for. No matter the current condition of your data, we’ll help get it in order. Don’t let a questionable data set prevent you from getting the MOps help you need. 

Is my team organized enough? 

Tying into the point above is the fact that many organizations fear their team’s workflows and processes aren’t refined enough to make the most of working with a MOps-focused agency like ours. Is this fear holding you back, too?

Some current customers have told us they have separate software logins for each team member and worry we won’t be able to make sense of it all. Others have said they have different sales criteria for different people, and know it’s not a good strategic approach but aren’t sure how to change it. 

The bottom line is this: we’re here to centralize your data and processes for maximum impact. No matter how organized or disorganized your team is, we’ll help you get it aligned. 

Should I be investing more into marketing? 

Many folks aren’t sure how much budget to invest into marketing. They might follow general guidelines that advise dedicating somewhere between 5-15% of their revenue to marketing, but following blanket percentages isn’t the best way to go. Before you start looking at the cost, it’s important to reframe the entire conversation. 

The fact is that some organizations unfortunately still view marketing as a cost center. But it’s not; it’s an investment. When you flip your mindset and look at the big-picture ROI that you can achieve through efficient, effective marketing, you realize it’s worth the investment. Working with a partner like GNW helps you get to that place of efficiency and efficacy, and drive that growth. 

How do I align this with a greater strategic direction? 

Finally, what’s your organizational strategy? Your marketing strategy? Many businesses don’t have a clear answer to these questions. They know they need strategic direction, but they’re stretched thin and not sure which strategy would serve them best – or how to implement it. So, they’ve been largely operating reactively rather than proactively. 

When this is the status quo, many leaders worry they’re not ready to work with a MOps partner yet. But again, as with all the other items listed here, you don’t need to be a strategic expert or even have a set strategy at all. We’re here to help you figure out the strategy that will work the best given your industry, operational structure, goals, budget, constraints and more. And then we’ll help you put it into motion. 

If you take anything away from this, make sure it’s this: we don’t expect you to be a marketing expert in order to engage us. We expect awesome businesses who are doing big things and in need of some help along the way. Flawed data? We see it all the time. Disorganized team? We can handle it. Unclear about investments? We’ll guide you. No strategy? Let’s create one. 

No matter where your business stands right now or how far you think you still have to go, don’t let anything stop you from partnering with a MOps agency like GNW Consulting. Let’s do this – together. 

Raja Walia
Raja Walia is a practicing Marketer of 15 years with certifications in Marketo, Eloqua, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Salesforce CRM and Dynamics CRM. With his experience across Small to Fortune 500 businesses he has helped implement MA and CRM solutions, while aligning with a company’s data architecture and strategy.


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