Best Time Management Tools and Techniques to Trust in 2022


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Best Time Management Tools and Techniques to Trust in 2022

It’s no longer enough to say that disruptive technologies are paving the way for new industries and business models by eliminating obsolete systems. The last two years have revolutionized how we operate in our professional and personal lives.

Time management is critical to how people work today and how they interact and collaborate.

The dust has begun to settle, and one undeniable fact has emerged: “Momentum has shifted to remote and virtual,” as the saying goes.

It’s critical that businesses break down silos, embrace remote working techniques, and change the workplace to better manage their time in the Year 2022.

The way businesses intend to invest in their staff will influence how ready they are for the future’s new-age workforce.

What should be your supreme area of focus?

What should be your supreme area of focus

As a high-performing leader, your first concern is the time management methods in your company. The success of your present and future initiatives is entirely reliant on how well your workers manage their time. Timekeeping can assist businesses in detecting and eliminating inefficiencies in their processes by collaborating with various teams and spending time on daily operational activities.

In a nutshell, good time management ensures that your workplace is more efficient, individualized, agile, and adaptable.

Many organizations are well aware of the changes that are revolutionizing the workplace and are rapidly embracing them to stay ahead of the competition. However, there is a learning curve associated with innovation; therefore, the work environment of the future will be determined by:

● The ability to work effectively and get the most out of your time

● Inclusiveness and Diversity

● Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies

● Knowledge workers’ demands and contemporary technologies

As a result, it’s critical to be aware of these evolving trends and assist your workers in remaining diligent and productive.

This blog will discuss the best time management techniques and tools to keep you ahead in the cut-throat competition-

Top 6 Time Management Techniques

Achieving more can be an enriching experience, but it’s only possible if you have the time to do it. Managing your time well allows you to be more productive and accomplish more with the same number of hours in the day.

If you’re looking to make better use of your time and achieve more, check out these six time management techniques that are guaranteed to work.

1. Create a clear plan

Create a clear plan

Without a plan, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by your seemingly infinite tasks and end up with no tangible results.

By making a simple plan and sticking to it, you can break down large tasks into manageable pieces of work that are easier to tackle.

With less stress and more focused effort, you can get more done in less time than ever before.

Instead of trying to complete your entire to-do list at once, set aside an hour or two each day to tackle just one task until it’s finished.

Once you learn how to create a schedule that works for you, stick to it and make sure everyone involved is doing their part.

2. Prioritize your tasks

Prioritize your tasks

How are you going to get it all done? It’s one thing to have a long list of projects and another to organize those tasks in such a way that gets them completed.

Write down your workday on a calendar and begin by ranking your top tasks by importance (or deadline).

Then, designate times when you’ll tackle those items. It sounds simple, but most people only get so far as writing out their day before they give up because they lack some kind of framework or support.

So instead of trying to do it all, decide what’s most essential and make sure you can spend time on that at each interval of your day.

3. Delegate


While you may be tempted to take on every project yourself, it’s impossible to succeed at everything. If you want to be an effective time manager, make a habit of asking others for help.

This doesn’t mean ceding responsibility—it just means learning to say yes, and when presented with new tasks or challenges.

By building your team and promoting collaboration, you can keep more items in your to-do list checked off than ever before.

Emphasizing what you do best and letting go of other tasks will let you focus better and allow others to learn new skills that they may then employ themselves in areas they are proficient in.

Most importantly, don’t fear to ask people for feedback. Asking how well certain things were handled goes a long way towards improving your performance next time around (and gives them credit as well).

Remember that no one is an expert at everything, so by finding where their strengths lie, everyone will have more success overall.

4. Use timers

Use timers

Studies have shown that knowing you only have a limited amount of time to do something is an effective motivator.

Timers are key here—they limit your time and help you focus. If you work in an office, set one as a reminder to check your email every hour and stick to it; if possible, send a quick reply or forward anything that can be handled later (no matter how tempting it might be).

Also, you can use time tracker apps like Workstatus to see how long tasks actually take—it’s eye-opening.

You may think you’re great at multitasking, but often switching back and forth between tasks will result in added time spent on each task.

5. Track your time

Track your time

It’s nearly impossible to manage your time effectively without tracking. You might be amazed to know how much time you waste on unproductive activities; or, conversely, gain insight into where your time goes so that you can allocate it more efficiently in the future. Remember, if you want to find what’s wasting your time, focus on what’s working.

Track your progress toward long-term goals—not short-term tasks—to get a realistic idea of where most of your hours go.

With a detailed picture of how each day or week looks when they’re productive and less productive, you can adjust accordingly. You can also use time tracking software tools that can help you in managing time effectively.

Sign up for the free trial of the best time management tool for work-

6. Use AI-enabled time management tool

Use AI-enabled time management tool

An AI-enabled time tracking system will offer a paradigm shift in improving employee experience and productivity.

Time and machine learning (ML) can automatically capture time data from users and systems, create a timesheet, and minimize employee involvement to only a few clicks rather than manually entering information as past methods require.

And there are numerous time management solutions on the market that may assist you. We will discuss some of the best time management solutions in the next section.

Managers can use an automated and smart time management tool with the power of AI to distribute chores to their teams based on their talents and availability.

In addition, this tool will provide real-time information on each employee, project, team, and other department in your firm. It will also provide information about deadlines and projected completion times. You and your managers may plan their projects with all of this data at your disposal, ensuring success.

However, you’ll need to select a tool that serves as a single source of truth for your time data, is user-friendly and configurable, and gives enhanced insight, accuracy, and control.

The solution should be scalable and require no error-prone manual procedures, multiple duplicate systems, or costly personalizations.

Top 5 Time Management Tools

There are several types of time management tools. Here is the list of the best five tools for time management-

1. Basecamp

Forget about email and scheduling because Basecamp offers a comprehensive system to help you manage your tasks.

You may talk with the team in real-time, share documents and photos, and use video conferencing.

Channels allow you to interact with others in real-time, while instant messaging tools enable group discussions on the same issue or different subjects at once.


● Easy to schedule tasks
● Get interactive charts for projects
● Easy to integrate calendar


● It offers one standard price at $99/month

2. Workstatus

Workstatus is one of the best work time management tools. It has add-ons and a multilingual user interface. It allows you to plan projects more efficiently than ever before while ensuring that every team member has access to what they need as soon as possible.

It has all the features that you need for project management and more. It also includes tax benefits compliance with labor regulations, an audit log, payroll, employment contracts, HR data security, including password encryption and built-in job costing reports.

Key Features

● User activity monitoring with screenshots
● Weekly hours calculator to measure productivity
● Easy integration with other applications
● Time management app for android and iPhone


● Free Forever Package: $0 forever
● Starter Package: $4.99 /user/month
● Scale Package: $9.99 /user/month
● Enterprise Package: $18 /user/month

3. Nifty

Nifty is the ideal time management system for keeping track of all aspects of your life! It has a wide range of team-focused and project managing features, providing you with everything you need to stay ahead in the competition.

Key Features

● Easy to manage resources
● Allocate roles to members
● Easy to create tasks for team and individual


● Basic Plan- $8/user/month

4. Trello

Trello is a well-known task management tool with a simple and user-friendly interface. Its distinctive feature is its interactive kanban boards, which allow you to move tasks from one column to the next with simplicity.

Trello’s interactive cards, for example, allow you to quickly and easily move tasks between columns or send them between lists at your leisure.

Key Features

● Good management capability
● Easy to convert emails into boards and cards
● Easy to maintain checklists


● Free Plan- Unlimited users
● Business Plan- $9.99/month

5. Jira

Jira is a versatile task management solution that may keep track of your efforts, as well as issues and bugs. Its features are ideal for developers seeking more from their time management software.

Key Features

● Easy to plan schedules for your projects
● Custom search filters
● Issues tracker


● Free- 7 days trial
● The paid plan starts from $10 per month

Well!! This is the list of the top five time management tools that you can use for effective time management.

Closing Thoughts

As entrepreneurs, we know that you must wear many hats and juggle numerous tasks simultaneously. While this can be a challenging prospect, it is also what makes you thrive and grow.

With the proper time management techniques, you can get more done in less time and increase your productivity.

This blog post has shared some of the most effective time management techniques and top tools to assist you in time management more efficiently.

We recommend Workstatus and Basecamp as the best tools for time management.

None of us are immune to distractions; however, by creating a clear plan and focusing on our priorities, we can minimize distractions and optimize our time.

Delegating tasks where possible allows us to focus on the task at hand. Utilizing timers can help us stay focused for longer periods and avoid wandering off onto unimportant tasks.

Which technique has been most helpful for managing your schedule? Tell us in the comment section!

Thanks for reading!!

Varun Bhagat
Varun Bhagat is a technology geek and works as a Sr. IT Consultant with PixelCrayons, a web & software development company in India. He possesses in-depth knowledge of mobile app development & web development technologies and helps clients to choose the best platforms as per their needs.


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