How Smart Product Recommendations Can Improve Ecommerce Sales


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Smart product recommendations are an important aspect of any successful retailer’s ecommerce strategy. They help customers find products that are relevant to their interests at lower costs for the retailer.

A product recommendation made at just the right time has the power to influence a customer’s decision to buy one product over another. In “real life”, we’ve all made a purchase at a local store based on the shop assistant’s recommendation. And a product recommendation from a friend or family member has, at some point, influenced all of our decisions about which product we should buy.

Celebrity endorsements, advice from a current customer, and “Best 10” lists on blogs are a few examples of how product recommendations can be leveraged.

But smart product recommendations have so much more potential on a lot larger scale. When applied effectively, they can totally revolutionise customer interactions, resulting in a seamless and consistent experience that leads to increased conversions, higher order value, and brand trust.

Read on and check out our secrets of sales – seven smart product recommendations for your ecommerce business and email marketing campaigns to improve your sales.

1. Do Email Marketing

A well-thought-out customer experience lasts long after the shopper has left your site. Enter the email marketing campaign to help this last even longer. 

Make sure you give customers relevant recommendations that lead to and harness the power of multiple channels, such as your email marketing. If you do this, you’ll consistently be receiving relevant emails, which will boost interaction and drive people back to your website.

Product recommendations based on previous shopping behaviour might entice customers back to your store. These suggestions can easily be incorporated into your email templates. Thinking about why customers want to buy is as important as what they want to buy.

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2. Refine Your Search Pages

The cherry on top of the personalised shopping experience is anticipating what your customer is looking for – and it also helps with store inventory control. The ideal search page includes intelligent recommendations – items that other consumers have looked at and bought.

An added bonus – intelligent suggestions can detect bad grammar and erroneous search phrases. They suggest related products instead. Search recommendations should be provided at the top of the page for user accessibility so customers can quickly locate what they’re looking for.

3. Home in on Your Homepage

The homepage is still regarded as a crucial welcoming point for first-time visitors who know little about your business, even though it’s not necessarily the initial touchpoint for shoppers. It is also a place for you to learn more about your customers as they interact with your site. 

A seamless welcome experience is critical for grabbing your customers’ attention and should be tailored to the various shoppers, channels, and entrance points to the site.

New visitors are obviously more difficult to assess because you won’t have collected any behavioural data on them. In this scenario, best practices for product suggestions are those items that have the highest conversion rates.

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4. Personalise Every Customer’s Web Experience

One of the most significant advantages of using a product recommendation on a product page is that it creates a unique web experience for each web browser. People are more likely to have a positive impression of a business that pays them more attention – your customers demand special treatment. 

Your online store system has the ability to track all client shopping behaviours and set up personal mode for each customer with the help of product suggestion engines. When a customer visits your website, they can see a collection of products as well as recommendations from previous customers who have already gone through the same purchase order process. In addition, visitors are able to view a wide range of best seller items.

“Recommended for you” is a common and powerful product recommendation. And you can customise the recommendation with the shopper’s first name to add even more impact.

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5. Feature Best-Selling Items for Each Brand 

By featuring best-selling items per brand, you’ll increase the customer’s confidence in the purchase and provide them with indirect validation of the product. Recommending best-selling products on the homepage by using an RPA tool has proven to be a highly effective strategy to grab visitors’ attention the moment they land on your site.

6. Frequently bought together with…

When a customer has already chosen a product, this method is typically used to present suggested products. If a customer purchases a MacBook Pro, for example, they will be offered the chance to buy accessories such as keyboards, headphones, chargers, etc. The items that are suggested are frequently bought by customers, so using this strategy is an easy way of increasing the number of items the shopper puts in their cart and the amount of each order. 

However, there is one disadvantage to this method that web designers and business owners should be aware of – overcomplication of the checkout procedure. As your client clicks on more products, even more suggested items will appear.

The result is that the checkout process takes much longer and becomes more confusing for the customer. To address this issue, make sure you optimise your website and ensure that no matter how many goods customers add to their baskets (after you give them recommendations) checkout is a simple and seamless process for them.

The greatest method here is to cross-sell comparable things that complement the items already in their cart.

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7. Latest Products

The latest product recommendation is comparable to the best-seller recommendation. It fits the best into tactics that do not require much customer personalisation. This strategy is useful and convenient for web visitors because it allows them to quickly identify the most recent products on the market without having to waste time hunting for them. This method also allows regular consumers to rapidly find out what you are offering that is new and exciting.


By understanding what customers want, you can improve their experience by offering a series of relevant products at the right time during their buyer’s journey. You must remember to do this at the right places and on the right pages. You can also be more attention-grabbing and attract potential purchasers by employing technologies to tailor sales to each consumer.

Customers are looking to make purchases – you just need to give them the right opportunities.

Nick Shaw
Nick Shaw has been Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) of Brightpearl, the number one retail-focused digital operations platform which encompasses sales, accounting, logistics, CRM and more, since July 2019 and is responsible for EMEA Sales, Global Marketing and Alliances. Before joining Brightpearl, Nick was GM and Vice President of the EMEA Consumer business at Symantec and was responsible for a $500m revenue business.


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