Reimagining Customer Experiences With 3D Technologies


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The new normal is evolving every day, and so are customer expectations. One of the major shifts in consumers’ sentiment today is – ‘If I can do it online, I will.’ This shift is likely to stay in consumers’ lives as they become increasingly comfortable with technology. Today’s consumers seek personalized and engaging experiences that emotionally connect with them. In fact, 86% of customers say they do not mind paying a premium for a great customer experience. A recent IDC report suggests that customer experiences will become a competitive advantage for brands to gain customer loyalty.

Immersive technologies will play a critical role in the way customer experiences (CX) are reimagined. 3D technologies can be the game-changers in building an emotional connection with consumers and redefining the rules of customer experiences for the future.

Here’s how:

Experience the real product in a virtual world

We are in a world where consumers want to go as touchless as possible. While online channels like eCommerce, curbside deliveries, video conferencing, etc. are facilitating that, it is not a substitute for the in-store buying experience. 3D visualization is a great way to fill that gap. It can bring customers closer to the real product experience in a virtual world. With the power of 3D, images can be rendered photo-realistically to tell a compelling story.

A 3D rendered image combined with immersive technologies like AR/VR/MR can help consumers visualize how the product would look when placed in a setting preferred by them. Take, for example, IKEA’s Place app – it uses 3D rendered images and AR to help customers visualize the product in their home’s settings. The customers can exactly know how a piece of furniture may look or fit in their home.

3D rendered images coupled with technologies like AR and 360-degree view can lead to creating a life-like experience. An example of that is cAR – the 3D Augmented Reality App from Mercedes Benz. The app set with data goggles enables customers to configure the vehicle on a smartphone or tablet. The app then allows viewing the vehicle in a 3D rendered environment from inside as well as from outside, and in settings of their choice.

Customization at a scale

In today’s digital-first world, customers seek personalization in every aspect of their purchase. This need has extended to physical products as well. However, delivering customized products at a scale can be a manufacturing nightmare. 3D printing can be a solution. In 3D printing, the 3D rendered design is transferred to a 3D printer. This does not require any additional tool. The benefit is – the complexity that comes with customization doesn’t incur additional costs.

3D printing of footwear to create custom shoes is one example of such customization. 3D scanning helps in capturing individual measurements of the feet, which then translates into custom 3D designs. Custom 3D-printed shoe inserts from Dr. Scholl’s is a wonderful example of such customization.

Knoll a design-driven furniture brand that uses 3D technology to drive product personalization. Knoll allows buyers to choose custom features and preview how the furniture will look via 3D rendered images.

Knoll a design-driven furniture brand that uses 3D technology to drive product personalization. Knoll allows buyers to choose custom features and preview how the furniture will look via 3D rendered images.

Selection of customized chair on Knoll’s website

Emotional connect that drives loyalty

A report suggests that 83% of customers are more likely to purchase from a brand that they emotionally connect with. According to Harvard Business Review, a brand that aligns with customers’ personal motivations and allows them to fulfill deep desires, they may not even be cognizant of, fosters strong connections with customers.

Bringing 3D technologies into the marketing mix can help brands build that connection. The immersive nature of AR ads powered by 3D images and animations can involve and engage them emotionally with the concept. The Arctic Home Campaign by Coca-Cola is a perfect example of how AR can evoke customer emotions.

3D visualization can also cater to the subliminal emotions of a customer. American Greetings, presents site visitors with 3D images of the cards. This is an important aspect of engaging with the customers at a human level, especially in an emotional product category, like greeting cards.

Facilitating purchase decision

In a world of plenty, making the right purchase decision can prove to be a daunting task for customers. Interactive real-time experiences with 3D visualization can help customers immerse themselves in an authentic product experience digitally. This can be crucial for making purchase decisions.

3D modeling empowers customers by giving them the option to view and compare the product in line with realistic dimensions, colors, settings, and more. This makes it easier for them to make a buying decision. For instance, while buying a piece of furniture customers can view how it compares with a standard height of a person. Or while buying apparel, 3D rendered images powered by AR can help customers see how particular clothing will appear on them.

As per Forbes, 40% of marketing executives report that personalization has a direct impact on maximizing sales, basket size, and profits in direct-to-consumer channels. Combined with 3d product configurators, virtual try-on makes it possible for companies to offer customization for increased conversations.

Guérin Joaillerie, a premium jewelry brand in Europe, used 3D visualization to showcase features that are critical for the shopper, including the sparkle of gems, transparency, reflections of light, design, etc. This helped them empower the consumers to make an informed decision in a high-involvement and high-investment category like jewelry.

Customer experience has never been as important for brands as it is today. Customers expect an exceptional, consistent, personalized experience across all of a brand’s channels. This change in consumer’s expectations has led to enterprises rethinking their digital priorities, and providing delightful customer experiences (CX) tops that list. 3D technologies can help enterprises check all the right checkboxes pertaining to customer experiences to connect with the consumer at an emotional level, drive conversations and stay competitive.

Surabhi Ghosh Chatterjee
Surabhi is Marketing Communications Manager at Robosoft Technologies with an extensive experience in B2B marketing in the tech domain. She is a keen follower of all that is trending in the world of mobile, digital marketing & technology and loves to read and write about the developments happening in these domains.


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