5 Useful Tips to Improving Customer Focus


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Keeping your customers satisfied is the key to growing your business and generating more revenue.

When your customers are satisfied, they are likely to bring in more prospects to fuel your sales funnel.

However, keeping your customers happy is easier said than done, as even established businesses struggle with this challenge from time to time.

The key here is to be customer-focused rather than company-centric, which means putting the needs and wants of your customers before your own.

For this, you have to be acquainted with the preferences of your target audience and know the solutions they seek.

This paves the way for you to tailor your offerings to meet the expectations of your target audience and foster lasting customer relationships.

Here are five useful tips on how you can improve customer focus:

1. Ask Your Customers

The best way to know what your customers want is by simply asking them. It’s reported that 80% of consumers are likely to prefer businesses that offer them personalized experiences.

So, it’s best to reach out to your customers and ask for information that can help you come up with offerings tailored to meet their needs.

There are many ways you can do this. However, the most common and effective way to get the required information from your customers is through surveys.

Conducting a survey with your customers allows you to know how happy they are with what you offer. Plus, you can be aware of their perception of your brand in general.

You can directly ask your customer about what they like or dislike, which makes it easier for you to identify the problems and make necessary improvements to your solutions.

This way, you will be able to channel your focus and resources in the right direction and get the optimal yield from your efforts.

2. Think Outside the Box

There is nothing wrong with sticking to tried-and-tested methods. However, sometimes it’s best that you consider thinking outside the box.

Around 95% of marketers believe that one of the critical challenges they often face is gaining access to customer insights and data.

That means there will be times when you will have to devise an action plan based on your ideas and gut feelings.

When that happens, be open to trying new things and feel free to experiment in order to make your customers happy.

Introduce new features or offer deals that you haven’t before. Surprise your customers with new things and see what works for you. This helps you know what makes your customers excited and allows you to come up with viable strategies the next time around.

3. Improve Team Coordination

Try to improve coordination among different teams and ensure that no one works in silos. Being customer-focused demands interaction among different departments and great teamwork to make sure that you offer seamless experiences.

Lack of coordination among different teams may interrupt the flow of information and prevent you from offering solutions capable of meeting your customers’ expectations.

Therefore, you should strive towards cross-channel customer engagement and make sure that all concerned departments work as a single unit to become a leading customer-focused enterprise.

4. Leverage Past Data

Making data-driven decisions is always a plus when it comes to being customer-focused and meeting their expectations.

Knowing what worked for you in the past, analyzing your customers’ buying history, and assessing their purchase intentions can pave the way for you to make informed decisions and reach new heights of success.

Based on the data you already have, you can create different customer profiles or buyer personas and tailor your offerings accordingly.

Not all of your customers are the same. So, with the help of data, you can get an idea of what they want and make the most of up-selling or cross-selling opportunities.

Using past data is not your only option to collect relevant information. There are other methods that you can leverage to offer personalized experiences based on current customer expectations.

It’s reported that 34% of customers prefer interacting with chatbots and sharing their experiences with them. So, you can consider using chatbots to collect useful insights for you and use the data to offer a seamless experience to your current and potential customers.

5. Create a Dedicated Team

As said earlier, achieving customer focus is a joint effort. It requires strong collaboration among teams and cohesive efforts. However, this shouldn’t stop you from forming a team for the sole purpose of ensuring customer focus.

A company’s tendency to be customer-focused may get lost in the daily struggle of keeping the needle moving and generating more revenue. This is why you need a dedicated team with the core objective of ensuring that the company meets its customers’ expectations.

Whether it’s launching new features or designing different processes, this team makes sure that everything aligns with the demands of the target audience to acknowledge customer success.

Being customer-focused helps you attract new customers, maximize customer satisfaction, and significantly reduce churn. It increases your customer lifetime value significantly and allows you to foster a relatable brand image.

So, creating a dedicated team for the job and providing them with access to the necessary resources may be a worthwhile effort.

Final Words

There you have it: the five useful tips to improving your customer focus. If you have been finding it difficult to prioritize the needs or preferences of your customers and design customer-centric processes, the recommendations in this article may come in handy.

Thomas Griffin
Thomas Griffin is the co-founder and president of OptinMonster. He is an expert software architect with a deep knowledge of building products for the mass market and consistently works to delight his customers.


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