Leadership Bravery: Earn Your Legacy by Bravely Choosing How You Will … and Will Not Grow

This week I spoke at the Experia Summit on Leadership Bravery – a critical element that is missing in over 80% of transformations.  I wanted to provide you a bit more context for you on why this is so critical for success.

The Impact of Leadership Bravery…

What happens with leadership bravery is that there is a lens through which leaders make decisions.  And also, the questions that they ask their employees are different.

As employees are presenting ideas, they always want to know:

  • “Are we creating a trusted relationship with our customers?”
  • “Is this action one-sided?
  • “Are we doing this because it’s good for US, or are we improving customers’ lives?
  • “Are we brave about what we are doing?”
  • “Are we enabling our employees to do the right thing?” “Are we letting them extend grace?”
  • “Do we trust our people with enough customer information so that they can make the right call?

There is real clarity with these leaders who practice Leadership Bravery.

These leaders are so clear about how they will show up in the marketplace, and about how they won’t ever want to be defined as people, as individuals, and as a company.

They will push on their people as thing are presented to say, “That is not how we do things here.”  We are not going to grow by tacking on a fifteen-percent service fee, even though others in our industry do this.  That’s not what we’re going to do.”

One great example of this is Raul Leal, the CEO of Virgin Hotels. They decided to build their hotel system and their hotel experience – not from the traditional tacking on of service fees – but by creating an experience and EARNING growth from the experience they deliver.  EARNING THEIR LEGACY by standing out as the kind of people who consider WIFI a right, not a revenue stream.  By showing up as the kind of company that delivers room service without a fee, with no fees whatsoever.

“Experience,” in its purest form…

is Leadership BRAVERY.

It is Leadership Bravery in making choices that enable your people to rise. It is clearly knowing and living conscience-led decisions about what you will and will not do, to grow. It is leaders who model behaviors honoring customers and employees – that everyone can model across your entire organization. And it is honoring customers’ lives in how you enable them to achieve their goals, make them feel honored and respected, and in the end…earn their admiration for how you conduct yourself in business, and for the kind of people you are.

So, ask yourself… Do acts of Leadership Bravery make you and your company stand out?

DO WE CHOOSE THE BRAVE PATH OF ACTIONS THAT EARN GROWTH AND ADMIRATION? Do we forge our own path, choosing the hard, conscious-led decisions about what we will and will not do to grow? Do we earn growth through transparency, fearless sharing, and behaviors that prove we strive for a balanced relationship with our customers and partners? Are we clear about how we want to be remembered: and that we stick to actions and behaviors that define who we are as people?

Leadership Bravery is about making choices that enable your people to rise. #leadership #customerexperience Share on X

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