Why Print is Vital to Omnichannel Marketing Campaigns


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In our fast-paced and predominantly digital world, businesses are constantly searching for ways to create seamless, integrated marketing campaigns.

Omnichannel marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy to engage customers across various channels, both online and offline. In essence, it’s about providing a consistent, personalized experience for consumers, regardless of the touchpoint.

The Role of Print in Omnichannel Marketing

Despite the widespread belief that print is outdated or dying, it remains a vital component of omnichannel marketing campaigns.

Bob Gardner, President of Western Trade Printing and vendor to hundreds of printing companies, sees three significant omni-channel opportunities for companies to increase ROI with a bigger investment in print:

– Direct Mail
– Signage
– Sustainability

Let’s look at each of these in more detail.

Direct Mail

Regarding direct mail, Gardner cites a USPS study, The Future of Direct Mail White Paper, which found that 60% of marketers said the use of cross-channel campaigns, including print and digital, increased their return on investment compared to running print-only or digital-only campaigns.

Examples of successful direct mail campaigns
Examples of successful direct mail campaigns

And 39% of marketers in the same survey found they increased traffic to a physical store when they combined digital and direct mail campaigns.

Another unexpected example of how well an omni-channel approach can work: Marketers found they got a 300 – 400% lift in conversion rates when they targeted shopping cart abandoners via direct mail.

Direct mail, when used strategically, can effectively complement digital marketing efforts and boost engagement rates.


Signage studies found that 58% of consumers say in-store signage influences their purchase. Moreover, 80% of consumers want signage to help them navigate the store and avoid crowds. As such, retailers can leverage signage as a powerful tool for enhancing the in-store experience, guiding customer behavior, and driving sales.

Example of Store Signage


Sustainability is a significant driving force in all marketing today. Consumers demand attention to the topic.
Paper, which can be recycled up to seven times, is far more renewable than electronics and is recycled more than any other material.

For example, 61% of paper and 91% of corrugated cardboard is recycled versus about 15% for plastics. And plastics will never decompose like paper products do.

Advantages of Print in Omnichannel Marketing

The nice thing about an omni-channel approach is that it can have a positive effect on existing campaigns. You’re not starting from scratch.

1 – Increased ROI

As mentioned earlier, integrating print and digital channels can quickly lead to higher ROI. Studies show this to be true time and again. Businesses should consider how they can leverage the unique benefits of print to create more effective omnichannel campaigns.

2 – In-store Influence

A FedEx consumer survey on signage found that76% of consumers have entered a store they’ve never visited based on signage, and 68% purchased a product because of a sign.

With the majority of consumers being influenced by in-store signage, retailers have a significant opportunity to shape purchasing decisions through well-designed, strategically placed signs. This not only drives sales but also contributes to a positive shopping experience.

3 – Meeting Consumer Demands for Sustainability

By incorporating sustainable print materials into their marketing campaigns, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility. This resonates with increasingly eco-conscious consumers and can enhance brand perception.

The Importance of Sustainable Packaging in Omnichannel Marketing

The influence of sustainability reaches other aspects of consumer behavior, including how products are packaged.

Growth in E-commerce and Home Deliveries

In the packaging industry, packaging expert Geoff Pick, President of Clear Print, echoes a similar theme regarding sustainability in marketing.

He says, “As a producer of paper board folding cartons (unit cartons) for both ecommerce and retail store brands, we watched the pandemic spark a huge rise in home deliveries from online shopping. Although ecommerce sales have leveled off, they show no sign of dropping back to pre-pandemic levels.”

This continued growth in the need for packaging is prompting companies to think about how to make product packaging more sustainable.

Strategies for Environmentally Friendly Packaging

Sellers today are implementing a number of packaging strategies to become more environmentally friendly. These include using recycled materials, minimizing packaging waste, designing for easy recycling or composting, and utilizing eco-friendly inks and adhesives.

One key method to minimize waste today is through the use of digital print technologies which allow for very short print runs. Retail product packaging and labels can be ordered in quantities as small as a couple hundred at a time. Just a few years ago, packaging companies required minimum print runs in the thousands.

This digital print technology results in far less waste. It also helps manufacturers do an unlimited number of customized package versions without paying a premium.

Print-Integrated Omnichannel Marketing Examples

Google, the king of online presence, continues to use direct mail to promote Google Ads and Google Maps to local businesses. If you have a small company, it’s likely you are getting a series of these mailings.

In malls and airports, shoppable video ads are trending. These video ads appear in digital signage, with images of products or services placed on top of the video ad. The viewer simply clicks the image for instant details, moving them seamlessly along the purchase journey.

With regard to sustainability, you can look at any industry anywhere in the world to see corporate messaging about sustainability efforts.

Takeaways – Print in Omni-Channel Marketing

In conclusion, print is an essential element in omnichannel marketing campaigns. Its versatility and effectiveness in driving ROI, influencing in-store purchases, and meeting consumer demands for sustainability make it a valuable addition to any marketing strategy. By combining print with digital channels, businesses can create more engaging, impactful campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

FAQs – the Power of Print in Omnichannel Marketing

Is print still relevant in the digital age?

Yes, print remains a relevant and effective component of omnichannel marketing campaigns, offering unique advantages like increased ROI, in-store influence, and sustainability.

How can print and digital channels be integrated for better results?

By strategically combining print materials, such as direct mail and in-store signage, with digital channels like email, social media marketing, and mobile apps, businesses can create seamless, cohesive campaigns that enhance customer engagement.

What role does sustainability play in print marketing?

Sustainability is a significant consideration for today’s consumers. By incorporating eco-friendly print materials and packaging into their marketing efforts, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to the environment and appeal to eco-conscious customers.

How can businesses implement more sustainable packaging practices?

To make packaging more sustainable, businesses can use recycled materials, minimize packaging waste, design for easy recycling or composting, and utilize eco-friendly inks and adhesives.

Can direct mail be used effectively by major brands?

Yes, major brands can effectively use direct mail to increase customer engagement and drive action, especially when combined with digital campaigns.

Anthony Gaenzle
Anthony is CEO and Founder of Gaenzle Marketing. He is a two-time published author and digital marketing influencer. He has helped brands both large and small grow and thrive across multiple industries through strategic marketing campaigns and leveraging a powerful network of influencers.


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