Qbuster Technologies debuts self-checkout solution at 2024 NRF


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December 17, 2023

Qbuster Technologies, a technology-focused company that helps retailers level the playing field between in-store and online is attending NRF where it will present its new self-checkout solution from January 14 -16, 2024 at booth #6450.

Self-checkouts entered the retail scene in gold rush fashion but remain a persistent problem many businesses struggle to resolve. At NRF, Qbuster Technologies will be sharing its tech and physical solutions to make these spaces more efficient, ensure clearly defined waiting lines, and maximize impulse revenue capability.

“We focus our company innovation on real-world business issues based on our client and network feedback. Our contacts repeatedly reference self-checkout as a pain point. It’s a pleasure to present an answer to this alongside solutions to other current concerns like retail theft and ways to enhance customer experiences throughout the store to meet the needs of modern shoppers

Our business has been a repeat participant at NRF and each year we have a unique and memorable experience. Engaging with new and familiar faces at this event is an excellent kickoff for 2024.”

Qbuster Technologies is trusted in over 10,000 locations throughout North America at household brand names in retail and cinema and at stadiums, universities, and hospitals. Its most renowned solution is its namesake Qbuster call forward system, a plug-and-play digital solution that guides customers through checkout lines via visual and audio prompts in a first, first-served manner. It increases overall customer throughput, elevates operational efficiencies, and improves overall customer experiences.

To discover more about Qbuster Technologies, visit their website: https://qbuster.us/

About Qbuster Technologies 

Qbuster Technologies are experts in digital and traditional queue management offering tech-led solutions that optimize checkout and service points to create, establish, and strengthen brand relationships. Learn more at https://qbuster.us/ 

Qbuster Technologies on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qbuster-technologies/

Qbuster Technologies on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Qbustertechnologies

About Stanchions.com

Stanchions.com is Qbuster’s sister brand that offers a comprehensive selection of standard and customizable crowd control solutions including stanchions, safety equipment, post and rope barriers, wall mounts, signage, and barricades. Learn more at Stanchions.com

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