4 Ways to Revive a Past Email Campaign

4 Ways to Revive a Past Email Campaign

It’s the first day back after a long weekend. Some people are blankly staring at their computer screens–sunburned, cranky, and still tired from the late-night drive back from the beach. Now is so not the time to write, design, segment, test, and send a brand-new email campaign. Oh, so not the time.

But you don’t have to start from scratch every time a campaign is scheduled to go out. Try building a library of email templates based on different categories of correspondence, such as newsletters, customer updates, event registrations, etc. This way, your design will stay the same and only content will need changing.

If even customizing content in a template is too much work, try these four shortcuts to reconfigure a past email and pass it off as a new one.

1. Combine Past Campaigns

As marketers, we’re told to create one-subject campaigns, that the more focused our message is, the better engagement we’ll see from recipients. In between content releases, send catch-up emails to customers–summarizing about a month’s worth of content and linking back to web-based versions of previous emails.

  • These serve as a great reminder of all the information you’ve provided them over the last month.
  • Recipient lists can stay the same and content from previous campaigns can be cut–much easier than trying to bulk up content.

Combine past email campaigns

2. Send a Blog Post as an Email

Blog posts have a shelf life. While the content might be bold, current, and relevant to your readers, people pay close attention to published dates. Email customers and leads that are not engaging with your blog, this way recipients won’t know that you are recycling content.

  • This is a great shortcut because creation is as easy as copy and paste.
  • Include a link to your corporate blog at the bottom of the email – you still want blog hits, even if readers discover your secret.

3. Bulk It Up With a Video

Find a popular past email campaign (in this case, it’s not the email that got all the cheerleaders in high school, but the one with the highest open and click rates) and add a video link.

  • Video is a broad category, but try including webinars, interviews, or even funny YouTube videos relevant to the email subject.
  • You should see an increase in opens and clicks with video emails, as many recipients press play before even reading an introduction.

video content

4. Give a Sneak Peek Into Different Subscriptions

If your customers opt-in to your campaigns based on their interests send an email showing them everything they’re missing out on. All you must do is grab a recent email from a subscription campaign and send it to another list.

  • For example, send contacts in your product email campaigns information about events, complete with links to sign up for event emails and vice versa.
  • Customers usually don’t seek out new ways to stay in contact with your company, so it’s your job to seek them out by staying in their inboxes.

There are many ways in which you can re-purpose marketing content, but making sure that you pay attention to insights from your marketing automation tool is a great way to ensure campaign success. 

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AJ Traver
AJ Traver As a professional and successful marketing manager, AJ has a strong foundation and experience in lead generation, customer marketing, marketing operations, strategic content management, branding, creative development, public relations and journalism in a global company supporting international objectives. With a data-driven approach, AJ thrives on the fusion of creativity and strategy to engage and excite every audience with which she engages.

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Business Email