The Dynamic Duo: Sales & Marketing Working Together

The Dynamic Duo: Sales & Marketing Working Together

When sales and marketing teams work well together, your business prospers. The problem many companies face is that sales reps and marketers are often at odds, leading to miscommunication, missing data, and lost opportunities.

We would like to show you how to align your sales and marketing teams by using CRM and marketing automation technologies.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this webinar! Below are the first 2 minutes of the webinar, general notes as well as the slide deck. If you would like to see the full video recording, you may access it here.

In our webinar, we reviewed some of the most common issues leading to misalignment between sales and marketing teams. We followed up by presenting best practices on how to combat these issues and build a better relationship between the two departments.

The main topic of our webinar covered the benefits of integrating Marketing Automation with CRM, such as Sugar Market and Sugar Sell, and how it can help align sales and marketing.If you would like to learn more sales and marketing alignment, we highly recommend these resources:
Dismantling the Siloes for Effortless CX – Learn how aligning your sales, marketing, and customer service teams can unlock the key to providing amazing CX.
5 Ways to Boost Sales Enablement Through Marketing Content – Sales enablement can make a tremendous difference, so how can businesses achieve higher revenue rates through it? Read our blog post to find out!

If you would like to learn more sales and marketing alignment, we highly recommend these resources:

Christian Wettre
Christian Wettre Committed to helping customers grow revenue and improve processes related to sales and marketing, Christian Wettre is the SVP & General Manager of the Sugar platform. A dedicated professional with a team mentality, he strives every day to make a difference for customers.

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