How to Stay Ahead of Trends by Adopting Recruitment Technology

How to Stay Ahead of Trends by Adopting Recruitment Technology

There’s no doubt that technology has changed the landscape of staffing and recruitment. Not only are new skill sets desired by employers, but the way in which candidates seek jobs has become a highly digital journey. Sourcing, hiring and retaining employees has fundamentally changed in response, forcing companies to get with it or fall behind.

There’s no doubt you’ve heard the buzz about automation technology in the recruiting and staffing space; however, it’s more than buzz. Industry leaders, from Bullhorn to Kyloe Partners, and industry analysts that attended the SIA Executive Forum for North America, can’t stop emphasizing the importance of marketing technology. The SIA Exec Forum hosted a number of sessions around the topic, including:

  • AI, the New World of Work, and Unlocking the Power of People
  • Hire Smarter: Innovate to Win
  • 2019 State of Staffing: How Fast-Growth Staffing Firms Recruit Smarter
  • The Expanding Role of Candidate Care

Industry leaders recognize that marketing technology is no longer an option for recruiting, instead, it has become the only way to keep up with competitors. Taking a look at the current trends, we can dissect how automation can help recruiters and staffing firms stay ahead of the times to begin placing only the most qualified candidates and clients more quickly and efficiently than ever before.

Trend 1: The Talent Shortage

It seems like everyone’s talking about the talent shortage. 86% of the most qualified candidates for open positions are already employed and not actively seeking a new position. Not to mention, it takes 10 days or less for top candidates to be snatched out of the talent pool. With scary stats like that, it’s easy to blame the talent shortage and move on.

Truthfully, all you need is a new strategy. The talent shortage is being fueled by one thing; time. Time is against you, with less than 10 days to find and hire a qualified candidate. So how do you keep up with the rapid pace when you’re in a dizzying frenzy trying to sort through candidates and find the best ones?

Leading companies in the recruitment and staffing industry are turning to marketing automation tools like Sugar Market. These tools give visibility into candidates as they engage with messages, allowing you to get insight on who are passively looking, actively seeking, or is uninterested. Leveraging that insight, you can personalize messaging according to the candidate’s past behavior and, with automated alerts, you can strike when the iron is hot to make sure you’re engaging at the right time. With marketing automation, you’re armed with a new way to battle that ticking clock to more quickly and efficiently place candidates at scale.

Trend 2: A Deafening Buzz around Recruitment Technology

Nowadays, everything is digital. The problem is, now you’re not only juggling people, but you’re juggling having to find a tool that takes care of manual tasks and makes you more efficient without compromising personal approach. There is a lot of noise around AI, automation and recruitment technology in general. Cutting through the noise to understand which technology can help you can be deafening.

With marketing automation, you have all of the functionality you need in one place. Attract candidates and clients with easy-to-build landing pages, capture their information with forms, use tracking metrics to gain information on individuals and then send highly targeted messaging at scale. In other words, engage with candidates throughout their candidate journey with conversations that convert. There’s no more struggling to understand what you need out of technology. You can cut through the noise and zero in on the one tool that will provide you with everything you need in one place.

Trend 3: Automated Personalization

The way in which candidates seek information has become an almost completely digital journey with tons of information that they can get swallowed up in. How do you stick out compared to your competitors? Personalization that’s less manual and more efficient. With everyone turning to digital information sources, the landscape of how you personalize has changed in accordance.

Despite the belief that automation lessens the human element, the visibility that marketing technology provides helps recruiters understand the interests and behavior of those engaging with their website and emails. For example, if David A is searching for an IT job in Austin, Texas, he will likely turn to the internet first. If he finds your website, you can prompt him with valuable information, and perhaps offer him the opportunity to receive alerts or a newsletter sent directly to his inbox. Once he fills out a form to receive that information, your technology will automatically track any of his engagement with your website, social media profiles, and emails. Depending on the actions he takes, you can more clearly understand what he’s looking for and what might be of interest to him. The best part? None of this process is manual. While you’re interviewing or placing top talent at scale, your technology is doing the manual work of finding the right candidates for you in the background.

There’s no doubt that technology is here to stay. The only option now for recruiters and staffing firms is to get on board the technology train before it leaves. Find out more about what to look for in your automation technology and how Salesfusion can help you stay ahead of the laggards.

AJ Traver-Williams
AJ Traver-Williams An accomplished leader adept at developing and leading high-performing teams, specializing in Customer Marketing with a global perspective. Proven track record in steering digital experiences, events, communications, customer stories, advocacy, review management, account-based marketing, direct mail, and demand generation to drive additional revenue and fortify customer retention. Recognized as a subject matter expert in Customer Marketing, proficient in managing the customer experience across all touchpoints to positively impact Customer Experience (CX).

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