February 7, 2022

3 Steps to Leverage Your Customer Health Score

3 Steps to Leverage Your Customer Health Score

New mobile apps to keep an eye on

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  1. Commodo scelerisque convallis placerat venenatis et enim ullamcorper eros.
  2. Proin cursus tellus iaculis arcu quam egestas enim volutpat suspendisse
  3. Sit enim porttitor vehicula consequat urna, eleifend tincidunt vulputate turpis

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At elit elementum consectetur interdum venenatis et id vestibulum id imperdiet elit urna sed vulputate bibendum aliquam. Tristique lectus tellus amet, mauris lorem venenatis vulputate morbi condimentum felis et lobortis urna amet odio leo tincidunt semper sed bibendum metus, malesuada scelerisque laoreet risus duis.

Sit enim porttitor vehicula consequat urna, eleifend tincidunt vulputate turpis

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Ullamcorper pellentesque a ultrices maecenas fermentum neque eget. Habitant cum esat ornare sed. Tristique semper est diam mattis elit. Viverra adipiscing vulputate nibh neque at. Adipiscing tempus id sed arcu accumsan ullamcorper dignissim pulvinar ullamcorper urna, habitasse. Lectus scelerisque euismod risus tristique nullam elementum diam libero sit sed diam rhoncus, accumsan proin amet eu nunc vel turpis eu orci sit fames.

  • Eget velit tristique magna convallis orci pellentesque amet non aenean diam
  • Duis vitae a cras morbi  volutpat et nunc at accumsan ullamcorper enim
  • Neque, amet urna lacus tempor, dolor lorem pulvinar quis lacus adipiscing
  • Cursus aliquam pharetra amet vehicula elit lectus vivamus orci morbi sollicitudin
“Sit enim porttitor vehicula consequat urna, eleifend tincidunt vulputate turpis, dignissim pulvinar ullamcorper”
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Id ac imperdiet est eget justo viverra nunc faucibus tempus tempus porttitor commodo sodales sed tellus eu donec enim. Lectus eu viverra ullamcorper ultricies et lacinia nisl ut at aliquet lacus blandit dui arcu at in id amet orci egestas commodo sagittis in. Vel risus magna nibh elementum pellentesque feugiat netus sit donec tellus nunc gravida feugiat nullam dignissim rutrum lacus felis morbi nisi interdum tincidunt. Vestibulum pellentesque cursus magna pulvinar est at quis nisi nam et sed in hac quis vulputate vitae in et sit. Interdum etiam nulla lorem lorem feugiat cursus etiam massa facilisi ut.

Customer Success Managers (CSMs) use multiple metrics and numbers to understand customer sentiment and how customers feel about a product and their vendor team. In recent years, high-performance customer success teams have begun leveraging a holistic overall metric that combines the various elements of customer success and customer sentiment into a single, easy-to-understand number: the Customer Health Score.

A Customer Health Score allows CSMs, department leaders, and other key stakeholders in an organization to identify if a customer is ‘healthy’ quickly or ‘at risk.’ The Health Score serves as an internal signal alerting CSMs and other resources of customer behavior and sentiment, which can help guide strategic next steps and long-term planning.

Here are three steps to leverage your Customer Health Score:

  1. Identify: Using the data, metrics, and insights that make up your Customer Health Score, you can identify customers that need your attention. Understanding the data and the Customer Health Score is the first step. Keep in mind that you aren’t just identifying at-risk customers. Even if a customer is doing amazing things and has a ‘healthy’ score, your team can use the Customer Health Score to identify customers ready to act as a reference, participate in an upcoming webinar, or partner on an external case study.
  2. Ideate: Once you have identified which customers need your time and attention (on both sides of the ‘health’ scale), it’s time to determine the next steps. If possible, now is the perfect time to leverage your team’s internal playbooks for the specific situations your customers are in. If your team doesn’t have an existing playbook for a given situation, dig deeper into the data behind the Customer Success Score to figure out what is really going on. Once you determine the root cause, issue, or situation, outline the next steps and strategy in your customer success platform so other team members can stay in the loop.
  3. Intervene: Finally, it’s time to bring your customers into the equation. You have the data in hand and the strategic next steps or playbook ready to go, and now it’s time to reach out to your customers in a proactive manner to offer your support. Remember to be thoughtful about how and when you’re reaching out and transparent about why you’re taking the steps you’re taking. Everything discussed should be designed to bring value to the customer and help them through whatever situation they’re in, so check any personal agendas (such as upsells or renewals) at the door. Your conversation should be focused, data-backed, and transparent for both sides.

Is your team leveraging Customer Success Scores with your customers? You can learn more about Customer Health Scoring and other metrics with these additional ClientSuccess resources:

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