5 trends shaping the future of customer experience

Jeannie Walters shares her key takeaways from the 2024 Qualtrics X4 Summit

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Hundreds of customer experience thought leaders, innovators, and practitioners converged at this year’s Qualtrics X4 Summit, all united in their pursuit to deliver exceptional experiences.

Attendees were buzzing with excitement over the new ways we can better serve our customers, and I noticed several themes across sessions and discussions.

(Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) was a very hot topic, but it’s not the only thing on our minds!)

To help you stay ahead with your customer experience strategy, let’s explore a few of the key event takeaways every CX change maker should know.

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5 strategies to improve CX

Organizations that learn how to use artificial intelligence today will be best positioned for future CX success. It’s an undeniable fact. However, AI alone cannot deliver what our customers expect and need. And besides, many of us are still very early in our AI journey.

As you prioritize the many opportunities available to improve customer experiences you offer, consider these five themes from Qualtrics X4:

1. Balance AI with a human touch

The increasing adoption of AI and machine learning (ML) in customer experience management is leading to both opportunities and challenges. These technologies enable businesses to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns and make data-driven decisions that enhance customer interactions. However, a key challenge highlighted was the need to strike a balance between leveraging AI/ML capabilities and maintaining human touch points, ensuring that technology augments — rather than replaces — genuine human connections.

2. Deliver empathy-driven experiences

The summit kicked off with a resounding emphasis on the power of empathy in driving customer-centric strategies. Truly understanding the customer's perspective is the cornerstone of successful experience design. This sentiment echoed throughout the event, as sessions delved into the importance of leveraging data-driven insights to uncover the nuances of customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. Empathy, simply put, must be a primary factor in how we train both humans and the technology to serve customers.

3. Assess your technology stack

Continually audit your tech stack and assess whether it’s time to make new investments.

Qualtrics has simplified and focused its product suite into four categories: customer experience, employee experience, and strategy and research. Ideally, organizations would have access to these products both as an integrated approach and cross-functional platform. However, the suites themselves can be accessed either as a separate function or a combined platform.

Overall, the products and approaches look exciting. But these resources may still be in the future for many organizations who are dealing with older versions, different platforms, or CX strategies that aren’t keeping up. Qualtrics also highlighted partnerships with organizations like Ipsos and Kantar to supplement the expertise and delivery with this backbone of data and intelligence.

4. Tighten the link between EX and CX

Another prominent theme was the importance of employee experience in driving customer satisfaction. Engaged and empowered employees are more likely to deliver exceptional service, and the summit highlighted strategies for creating a positive work environment that fosters employee growth, well-being, and a customer-centric mindset.

HR leaders and C-Suite leaders alike stressed how expectations are shifting not just for customers, but for employees.

Employees want to feel aligned with the overall vision and values of the organization, and one obstacle to that is when they don’t have access to the right information at the right time. AI can help democratize data across the organization and make the invisible visible.

5. Evolve your customer listening skills

The summit also explored the evolving landscape of customer feedback and Voice of the Customer (VoC) programs. Experts emphasized the need for continuous listening across multiple channels, leveraging both structured and unstructured data to gain a holistic understanding of the customer journey. However, one challenge identified was the need for effective data management and analysis capabilities to derive actionable insights from the wealth of customer feedback.

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How to assess your CX opportunities

For now, it’s important to ask: What can we do? And how can we best prepare for the rapidly changing world?

Here are a few ideas to consider wherever you might be on your journey.

Experience as a competitive differentiator

  • Companies across industries recognized the pivotal role of exceptional customer experiences in building brand loyalty and driving business growth.
  • Discussions centered around the need for a holistic approach that seamlessly integrates customer touchpoints, from digital interactions to in-person engagements.
  • Do you provide a seamless and intuitive experience? Do you have the necessary systems in place to measure your CX?

The rise of predictive analytics

  • Predictive analytics emerged as a game-changer, enabling organizations to anticipate customer needs proactively and tailor experiences accordingly.
  • Leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning models was highlighted as a key strategy for staying ahead of the curve.
  • What analytics can you access? Are there tools you need in order to make better use of your data?

Democratization of customer experience management

  • Democratizing customer experience management tools and processes was a recurring theme, empowering teams across departments to contribute to experience optimization.
  • Fostering a customer-centric culture through cross-functional collaboration and shared accountability was emphasized.
  • Does everyone in your organization understand your Customer Experience Mission? Do they feel empowered to improve the experience for customers?

Ethical considerations in data utilization

  • As data becomes increasingly central to experience design, discussions addressed the ethical implications of data collection, privacy and responsible usage.
  • Establishing transparent practices and building trust with customers emerged as a critical challenge.
  • How do you collect and manage your customer data? Can you use data in better ways than you do now?

Earn loyalty one experience at a time

I am inspired by the passion and dedication of the CX community. The themes, trends, and challenges discussed reinforce the importance of putting customers at the heart of every business decision. By embracing empathy, leveraging technology responsibly and fostering a customer-centric culture, organizations can create experiences that not only delight customers but also drive business growth and innovation.

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